An Old Man And His Axe: A Prepper fiction book of survival in an EMP grid down post apocalyptic world (Old Preppers Die Hard 1)

An Old Man And His Axe: A Prepper fiction book of survival in an EMP grid down post apocalyptic world (Old Preppers Die Hard 1) by Ron Foster Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: An Old Man And His Axe: A Prepper fiction book of survival in an EMP grid down post apocalyptic world (Old Preppers Die Hard 1) by Ron Foster Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ron Foster
thieving critter I ever met. Here is the deal: I will drive the old man’s car down to where I am broke down at and siphon me off a few gallons. I will teach you how to drive on the way there. I got a 5 gallon water jug in the back of the van you can dump out and we will get you some gas to go home with also. We leave the chainsaw gas for the old man. Hey, does he know where you live at?” Farley asked concerned now.
    “Not that I know of, we only seen him once at the general store and that’s when we started hearing about him.” The boy said now with equal concern the crazy bastard might wake up and come looking for him.
    “Where are you and your mother headed to if you got enough gas to go?” Farley inquired.
    “Mobile, we got lots of kin down that way. We had a little over a quarter of a tank and Momma was going to go get gas the day this emergency come about but the pumps was closed and the store was cash only.” Jeremy declared.
    “O.K. then, ya’ll are going to need at least a full tank to make it all the way into Mobile from here. I know you been out thieving about for a couple of weeks, how much you managed to find?” Farley asked.
    “Well I been grabbing everything that ain`t been nailed down and I probably found me about 5 gallons by now I reckon. But I think two of them were some of that chainsaw gas you told me about and I already dumped it in the tank. You reckon with the rest of the gas we had in our tank already it would hurt?” the boy asked inquiringly.
    “That’s hard to say, I never tried it before. It also depends on how old was that gas you managed to find that was just plain regular. Gas has a shelf life and lots of people try to carry it over from season to season without thinking about it. Lots of times people’s lawn mowers won’t start in the summer cause the tanks got water from condensation in it or something.  Let’s just say you put 4 gallons of crap gas in it and you are going to need all five gallons of that new I am siphoning to make it down the road and hope your fuel filter don’t clog.” Farley said contemplating again.
    “Aw hell, Momma’s pretty particular about that car, she’s going to have herself a hissy fit if it is not running right and she figures out I might have dumped some bad gas in it! Don’t tell her about that part, please Farley! She cares a lot about that car and she won’t be happy if we break down on the road. No sense worrying her about it, right Farley? We don’t have to mention that part do we? That regular gas we are putting in will fix it right up, won’t it?” Jeremy asked looking at him imploringly.
    “Well, I guess not. But when we pour this good gas that we going to get out of that car into yours, you try distracting her while I do the car hula trying to mix it in. Somebody is going to say something if they see me bouncing that car up and down trying to mix things up.” “Farley said as they heard an agonizing groan coming from the house.
    “Oh shit, that bastards waking up! Jump in boy, we are out of here!” Farley said as the kid climbed over him on his way to the passenger’s seat.
    “Hell you could have run around and opened up the door to get in.” Farley said while cranking up the car.  “Hang on a second.” Farley said as he jumped out the cars’ door and retrieved his backpack from out of the bushes on the side of the road where he had left it while carefully eyeing the front door of the house then leaving in a cloud of dust.
    “I was wondering what you were doing. I was hoping you were going back to whack him with that axe again.” Jeremy said as Farley looked over at him and groaned a bit.
    “Now what are we going to do?” Jeremy asked as Farley put some distance between them and the house.
    “You are going to learn how to drive! And I am going to attempt to keep you from trying to kill me again today while you’re doing it. Now listen up- do not do a

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