Avelyn and the Alien Daddy (Intergalactic Brides 3)

Avelyn and the Alien Daddy (Intergalactic Brides 3) by Jessica Coulter Smith Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Avelyn and the Alien Daddy (Intergalactic Brides 3) by Jessica Coulter Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Coulter Smith
Tags: BIN 07483-02413
my planet’s military and being stationed here comes with certain perks. I’m paid handsomely at home, but here I make almost twice as much. Not only do I face potential danger every day, but they are compensating me for having to make my home off-world.”
    She looked at the screen again then back at him. “I won’t complain about the dress anymore, but you can’t buy costly things like that all the time or you’ll run out of money.”
    He frowned at the screen. “Do I have enough to purchase a home?”
    She made an odd sound like she was being strangled, then coughed. “You can purchase a palace with that amount of money. Maybe two of them. What are those odd numbers above it?”
    “That’s how much I still have in my account on my world. I only transferred part of my money here. On the off chance I went back home, I wanted to still have enough funds to get by on Terran. I already have a home there, although it’s been sitting vacant for nearly a year. If I’m here much longer, I may sell my home there. Two of my friends have made their permanent home here on Earth, and I don’t see why I can’t do the same, unless the council denies my request. Would that make me a better potential mate? If I were to make my permanent home here?”
    “Oh, Thrace.” She sighed and placed her hand on his cheek. “You’re a wonderful potential mate, regardless of where you call home. Any woman would be lucky to have you, whether she lived with you here on Earth or back on Terran.”
    He nodded and studied her a moment. “Then your only problem with a mating between us is the fact you believe you can’t have children. And when I prove that’s an incorrect assumption?”
    “Then we can discuss the mating again. But not until then.”
    Thrace smiled. “Then we’ll be discussing it tomorrow. I have faith that everything will work out.”
    “You know, you can’t always have what you want just because you want it. Life doesn’t work that way.”
    “Maybe not, but you have to believe that your dreams can come true, or they never will.”
    Her gaze softened. “It’s your dream to be mated to me?”
    “Ever since the day we met.”
    She stepped closer to him again, wrapped her arms around his waist, and hugged him tight. He’d been hugged by females before, but never one he wanted to claim as his mate. His body responded to her soft curves being pressed against him and he wondered if he’d be out of line to steal a kiss or three. He’d dreamed of her lips and wondered what they would taste like.
    Tomorrow. She said they would discuss it tomorrow and that would be soon enough for him to find out. He wanted their first kiss to be perfect, something they would remember for a lifetime. Thrace didn’t have much experience with kissing, having only been with the whores at the floating brothel near Terran, and they typically didn’t include kissing with their services. He hoped he wouldn’t disappoint her.

Chapter Five
    Avelyn felt her heart break as Lily cried, reaching out for her. The daycare woman looked irritated that the baby was crying, but there wasn’t anything Avelyn could do about it. She’d promised Thrace she would go to the clinic for tests and she couldn’t very well do that with Lily in tow.
    “How long will you be?” the woman asked with a Russian accent.
    “I’m not sure. I’m meeting the doctor at the clinic for some tests, but I don’t know what all he needs to do. It could be an hour or it could be a few hours.”
    “I told Thrace last time he brought this child here she was not welcome back. I do not have time to cater to a wailing baby when there are others needing attention.”
    Avelyn felt her anger spark as she narrowed her eyes at the rude woman. “That wailing baby, as you call her, is the sweetest child I’ve ever met. Maybe she cries the entire time she’s here because of you . Perhaps if you weren’t so cold and abrasive, she would react differently to you. She knows you

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