Buttoned-Up Secretary, British Boss

Buttoned-Up Secretary, British Boss by Susanne James Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Buttoned-Up Secretary, British Boss by Susanne James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susanne James
Alexander?’ she complained.
    ‘Why—is there a problem?’ he asked mildly.
    ‘Yes, there is. I’ve naturally seated you at dinner with everyone you know,’ she said firmly. ‘I mean, I had no idea you were bringing anyone with you tonight, so your secretary Sabrina will have to take her place at the other end of the table. Will that do?’
    Alexander waited a moment before replying, then said, ‘No, I’m afraid it will not do, Lydia. For all sorts of reasons,’ he added.
    ‘Oh, please don’t be difficult, Alexander,’ Lydia said crossly. She didn’t bother to lower her voice. ‘The woman’s your secretary—or your personal whatever-she-is; describe it as you will. She’s not…she’s not one of our crowd, is she? Surely she won’t expect to be included among our inner circle?’
    Not if she’s got any sense , Alexander thought. He moved closer to Sabrina who, amongst this highly coloured crowd, looked to him like a desirable goddess.
    Suddenly, energized into action, Sabrina spoke up, her voice clear and authoritative. She looked at Lydia squarely.
    ‘There is no need for you to concern yourself about me,’ she said. ‘In fact, I don’t feel like anything to eat.’ She paused. ‘But allow me to apologize—on Alexander’s behalf—that I’m here at all, and that you were not informed that I was coming to your home tonight. Uninvited guests are seldom welcome.’
    She chose not to look at Alexander, but if she had he’d have been in no doubt what her feelings were. He’d had no right to bring her with him; she hadn’t wanted to come, and she wasn’t wanted. He’d have the benefit of her opinion later, she thought grimly, angry colour flooding her cheeks once more.
    Despite Lydia’s earlier protestations, a seat next to Alexander was found for Sabrina, and in a few minutes everyone was seated at the impressive table waiting to be served. Lydia was three seats away from Sabrina, and her voice carried clearly to everyone nearby as she gossiped with the women around her.
    ‘I cannot imagine why he brought her along with him,’ she said, picking up her glass and drinking freely. ‘I mean, that dress! You’d think she was going to a business meeting, not a party !’
    ‘She obviously hasn’t got a clue, Lydia,’ Lucinda said loudly enough for everyone to hear. ‘I mean, she doesn’t look that young to me. You’d think she’d have learned something about what’s expected.’ She giggled. ‘She’s like a little dormouse, isn’t she? I hope you’ve got plenty of cheese for her later!’
    All those around her giggled loudly at that. Sabrina felt so totally overwhelmed at the position she was in now, she had difficulty not bursting into tears. Sheshould never have come, never, never, never. And she’d never forgive Alexander for asking her.
    Suddenly, unable to tolerate this for another moment, Alexander stood to his feet, pulling Sabrina up beside him. She glanced up quickly, her eyes moist with unshed tears.
    He cleared his throat, looking around him. ‘I think this is as good a moment as any to let everyone into our little secret—don’t you, Sabrina?’ he added, looking down at her.
    ‘What secret? What are you on about, Alexander?’ Lydia said shrilly.
    ‘Well, for one thing, we can’t stay for dinner with you after all,’ he said.
    ‘Not staying for dinner? Why ever not?’ Lydia demanded.
    Alexander waited a second, his eyes sending a dramatic signal to Sabrina as he squeezed her hand tightly.
    ‘I’m afraid your…Sunday spectacular has coincided with a rather more important date in my life, Lydia ,’ he said. ‘In fact, it’s high time we were off.’ He drew Sabrina closely to him. ‘We have a rather special celebration of our own to attend, don’t we, Sabrina?’ he said.
    Wide-eyed at this totally unexpected change of plan, but realizing that Alexander was looking for an excuse to leave, Sabrina returned his gaze calmly. She would respond in which ever way

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