Chasing Rainbows

Chasing Rainbows by Amber Moon Read Free Book Online

Book: Chasing Rainbows by Amber Moon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amber Moon
the rest would be as good as the kissing.
    Doug knew he would have to stop soon as he felt a hardening that shocked him by its intensity.
    This woman was dangerous, she might just get in the way of his life.
    He heard the voice in his head as it asked, “ Is she the one?
    Olivia pushed Doug off as she said, “I better go, I don't know what happened just then”.
    She looked surprised and answered his question about meeting for dinner with, “ I am married and I do not get dressed up to go out at night with men”.
    The frosty tone in her voice made him rethink.
    “ Ok, Olivia there is no harm in us having lunch is there?” He sounded hopeful.
    She bent her head and shook it as she told him that she was going on holiday, for two weeks, in the morning with her husband, to Africa.
    He said his goodbyes and got out of the car. He watched her as she drove off feeling a sadness at the thought he might never see her again.
    It was beyond belief that she had turned him down. Had his kiss and the way he held her had no effect on her?
    He did not know, she was like a closed book.
    As he opened his front door he let out a long sigh, this woman reached right into the core of his being and he needed to let her go.
    As he closed the door behind him he spoke out loud, “ oh well some you win and some you lose”.
    Doug threw himself back into his work. A new account was in progress and the commission was phenomenal. He used this as a reason to get rid of Kath and decided to put extra women on hold for a while and concentrate on work.
    Thoughts of the fashion show, one of his most successful became a dull memory as new ideas for his new client crowded his head.
    Only once did he allow himself a thought of Olivia and wondered if she was enjoying Africa. She needed a rest as she worked incredibly hard on her last project.
    One morning after a particularly nasty argument with Mary and a moody car journey to work with sullen Gerry, Doug entered his office and found a postcard at the bottom of his pile of mail.
    It was a glorious white beach surrounded by a turquoise sea. He recognised the perfectly formed , neat handwriting. It was from her.
    Olivia was thanking him for his contribution to her project. He took a sip of his coffee and sat down. She thought of him in Africa, he smiled.
    Doug let his mind wander to that last kiss. Her lips did respond to him, no doubt about that.
    He was so shocked when she said, 'No' to him and yet she found the time to send him a postcard? Why had she done that?
    His pulse upped a beat. What was he to do now? He began to think of Olivia and realised how much he missed her, her quirkiness and those big brown eyes.
    He was missing her now.
    Doug made a decision, he had nothing to lose. He knew when she would be back in the country and decided he would call her at the hospital where she did voluntary work.
    On the morning of Olivia's return to her job, Doug rang the office and spoke to the social worker . Doug practised some reverse psychology. Shirley, confirmed that Olivia was due in at eleven and asked if he would care to leave a message as this was the third call.
    Doug said, “ Yes please, will you ask Olivia not to call me tomorrow as I am having a late lunch and will be out for the rest of the afternoon?”
    He replaced the receiver and knew if all went well he would hear from Olivia, soon.
    Doug was not wrong. The next day he answered his phone to hear, “Why did you do that? I didn't know I was calling you? Have we arranged something and I have forgotten?, Oh my, that's dreadful, I don't forget”.
    Olivia didn't stop for breath, she never did.
    Doug smiled to himself. Yes, he missed her. Now he so wanted to see her.
    Doug said slowly, “I wondered if you enjoyed your holiday and if perhaps you changed your mind about that lunch?” He could hear Olivia breathing down the phone. He could almost hear her thinking.
    She sighed,

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