Cora: Bride of South Dakota (American Mail-Order Bride 40)
district of the city and known to host famous actors, actresses, politicians and all manner of other important people. It had an imposing façade of stone and brick but what caught her eye was the sparkling white marble which glistened in the last rays of sunlight. The hotel appeared to touch the sky and at five storeys’ tall it towered over the street and surrounding buildings. Numerous chimney stacks dotted the roof and ribbons of smoke drifted from them.
    As she watched, a carriage pulled up to the front doors. A couple who appeared well to do stepped from it. Porters scurried to claim their luggage and followed the couple inside. Must be someone important.
    “Miss Rose Brown.” The shout intruded into her thoughts.
    She turned her gaze to her trunk. How will I move my trunk to the hotel? Glancing around, she noticed a porter nearby and she approached him.
    “Miss Rose Brown?” he asked.
    Cora began shaking her head in disappointment, she realized he must be otherwise engaged. Then it dawned on her, she was Miss Rose Brown. The woman the porter had been calling for. “Yes, I do apologize for keeping you waiting. It’s my first visit to Boston and I was quite captured by the sites. I’m staying at Parker House and I have that trunk to be carried over.” She indicated her large trunk nearby.
    “It was the hotel that sent me to fetch you, Miss. Boston is mighty confusin’ for a first time visitor.” He was a huge, burly young man and he hefted her trunk into his arms as if it weighed no more than a feather.
    He proceeded to dodge various vehicles and crossed the road. Cora followed close on his heels.
    An engraved sign above the hotel’s front doors caught her eye. It read “Parkers”. It was elegant in its simplicity. Her feet were swallowed up by thick carpet as she entered the lobby. Above and around her the ceiling and walls were intricately carved from wood. Divans were placed throughout and well-dressed couples sat chatting. The impression was one of sumptuous elegance.
    She resisted the urge to further study her surroundings and padded to the desk to check in. The porter escorted her upstairs to Room 317, her piece of luxury for the night. The porter placed her trunk on the carpeted floor and awaited her instructions.
    Cora paused in her perusal of the magnificently decorated room to hand the young man a coin, thanked him for his assistance and locked the door as he left.
    She was feeling exhausted. Her journey had been bumpy, dusty and downright tiring. She removed the cloak from her shoulders and flopped onto the bed. “It will be like sleeping on a cloud,” she murmured.  Relaxing into the softness, she drifted off.

Chapter Five
    Cora was startled awake by loud banging from the street. She glanced around the unfamiliar room and then noted her fully dressed self. She’d been exhausted after the travel and excitement of the previous day and fallen into a deep sleep. The curtains on the window opposite hadn’t been drawn and the sun poked its head over the horizon in a blaze of glory. The pinks, oranges and reds cascaded in a riot of color. It was early and the train to Chicago wasn’t due to depart until ten o’clock. She had time for a leisurely breakfast.
    After twisting and stretching like a satisfied cat, she pushed herself from the bed.
    A commotion erupted outside her window and she felt compelled to investigate. She’d always had a curious nature. She gazed down at the street below. Two men squared off, glaring at each other. Both were immaculately dressed in dark suits and wore matching dark colored hats. They were waving guns at each other, people nearby stepped back. Their voices weren’t clear but they appeared to be hollering insults. One man was angry about the other apparently cheating him out of some money. Fascination kept her motionless as she watched the exchange. Her whole body reacted with shock when one man

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