Cry For You (Fallen Star #2)

Cry For You (Fallen Star #2) by Candy J Starr Read Free Book Online

Book: Cry For You (Fallen Star #2) by Candy J Starr Read Free Book Online
Authors: Candy J Starr
to go out more. One of the things I hated was having people in my house. It wasn't that I hated being hospitable, it was just having people in my space made me edgy. Very edgy. With the house being built though, I realised I could separate it into private spaces and public spaces. It was plenty big enough for that. Then, if Tex wanted to entertain at home, it would work.
    And the whole idea of Tex wanting me to get involved was definitely exciting. Like he expected me to be with him for a long time.
    I picked up my laptop. Hannah might think I was rude if I didn't go out and say hello but I just didn't have a happy, social face in me.
    After about an hour though, I craved a cup of coffee. Tex had said this wouldn't take long but I had no idea what he considered “not long”.
    If I went out and started making coffee, I’d have to offer Hannah one and even though that wasn’t really any extra effort, I didn’t feel like doing it. Tex would never think to offer. Even though she was his guest.
    This whole housekeeper thing had gotten really complicated with the feelings added in. I knew it would. Feelings, not one of my favourite things. That’s why we should have ground rules.
    I needed coffee. There was no denying it.
    They had a lot of papers over the table. That was some high level planning.
    "Sorry, this has taken longer than expected." Hannah smiled.
    I smiled back. I couldn't complain. This was their business. Then Tex caught my eye and flashed me the most stomach-fluttering sex eyes. That fluttering didn't just stay in my stomach either. It travelled straight down to the Ruby Wonderland. Damn, he drove me crazy, doing that when I couldn't respond. My pulse raced and I wanted to throw Hannah out of the house so I could jump him. Instead, I did the right thing and acted polite.
    "So, what are you guys planning?"
    "Just a few shows and the summer festivals, like I told you. There's been an offer for me to do a film soundtrack too."
    "Wow, that sounds amazing." I'd never really thought about people writing music for films. It was just there. It'd be a great project for Tex though. All the time though, I was wishing she'd leave.
    Finally, we were alone. Tex grabbed me before I had a chance to talk about those ground rules. He kissed that spot on my neck that drove me nuts and, when he kissed there, the whole concept of logical thought disappeared from my brain. His hands ran under my shirt, squeezing my boobs while he kept kissing my neck. I wanted to wrap my legs around him, right there.
    Then I froze.
    There was a face at the window. I was sure it was a face. Chills ran through me.
    "What's up, Ruby Red?" he asked.
    "Nothing, I thought I saw something at the window and wondered if Hannah had come back."
    "I didn't hear a car," he said and kissed my neck again.
    I hadn't either but I dragged him into the bedroom. No way was I hanging around the kitchen. I didn't like the prickling feeling of someone outside watching me.

Chapter 6             Denise
    I chucked my phone across the room. Hopefully that would shut the bloody thing up. I couldn't answer it. Just like I couldn't answer it yesterday or the day before or any day this week. It would only be my supervisor ringing to see if I was coming to work. Since she was the one who'd told me not to come in unless I was capable of working, what was the point of talking to her?
    I had to go back to work sometime or I wouldn't be able to pay rent this month. I considered it. I could give my landlord a sob story and ask for extra time to pay but my landlord had a heart of stone and would demand the money or kick me out. He wasn't the sort who worked within the law and he had goons.
    Hell, I couldn’t even visit my lousy mother to get rent money since the last time I did that, she caught me with my hand in the cookie jar, the cookie jar where she kept her spare money. She said she wasn’t going to keep money in the house any more. It wasn’t like she needed it

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