Desert Rogues Part 2

Desert Rogues Part 2 by Susan Mallery Read Free Book Online

Book: Desert Rogues Part 2 by Susan Mallery Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Mallery
relax to the rhythm of the music. Maybe it was madness, but being with Sadik felt like coming home.
    Despite the height difference, they danced well together. She easily anticipated his moves. The heat from his body made her feel safe.
    Safe, she thought sadly. There was a unique concept. She might be many things with the prince, but the least of them was safe.
    â€œYou should go bother a skinny, tall brunette and leave me alone,” she grumbled.
    â€œYou should stop talking. You’re spoiling our moment together.”
    â€œIs that what we’re having?”
    â€œYes. And you’re enjoying it. Besides, I want no other woman but you.”
    His words sank down to her heart, ripping away protective layers of common sense. She knew he was only talking about sex, but she couldn’t help wishing…wanting…something more. Sadik held her close enough that she could feel the call of his body. She took the half step closer, nestling herself against him. His only response was to sigh softly.
    For a time, with her pregnancy, her breasts had been extremely tender. That symptom had faded so she could now enjoy the sensation of pressing close to his hard chest. Against her will, memories flooded her as she remembered what it had been like to be with him. She recalled the way he’d touched her everywhere. Slowly, almost worshiping her body. He’d made her feel physically perfect.
    Cleo closed her eyes in an attempt to ignore the past and the pain it brought. If it was only sex, she could find the will to resist. But she and Sadik had shared so much more. When they had satiated themselves after an hour or two, they had talked. First of inconsequential matters, but eventually they had shared the details of their past. She’d heard about the lonely child growing up in a world of wealth and privilege, ignored by his parents and raised by a nanny, then a tutor. She’d glossed over the first ten years of her life but had told him about going to live with Zara and her mother.
    She had allowed herself to believe that she’d gotten past the arrogant shell to the actual man beneath. She’d told herself that she mattered to him. She’d been wrong on both counts.
    â€œCome to me tonight,” he breathed in her ear. “We can rediscover paradise together.”
    Cleo was so tempted she nearly fainted. Knowing that he wanted her made her long to give in. Apparently being around Sadik still made her forget all that was important. She took a half second to try to convince herself that it was okay to be weak and spineless, then she remembered what was at stake.
    She did her best to look bored as she raised her gaze to his. “I’m seriously flattered, but I’d rather not. You’re a great guy, Sadik, really. But the thing is, I’ve met someone else. We hooked up shortly after I returned to Spokane.”
    Sadik raised dark eyebrows. “You have another man in your life? What is his name?”
    Her mind went completely blank. Ah…a name. Any name. “Rick. He’s in plumbing.” Internally she winced. “He’s fabulous. We met and it was love at first sight. Really. Right there in front of my kitchen sink.” She widened her eyes, hoping for a look of sincerity.
    Sadik did not look convinced. “Your sister hasn’t mentioned this Rick person.”
    â€œI didn’t say anything to her. Zara is so caught up in the wedding and everything. I didn’t want to distract her.” Cleo swallowed. She’d never been a very good liar. Maybe she should have practiced more.
    â€œSo it’s serious with you and this Rick?”
    â€œUh-huh. We’re practically engaged.”
    Sadik threw back his head and began to laugh. Cleo wanted to stomp her foot…preferably grinding her heel into his instep.
    â€œI don’t see what’s so funny,” she hissed. “You wanted me. The possibility exists that one other man on the

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