Epilogue: The Dark Duet

Epilogue: The Dark Duet by Cj Roberts Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Epilogue: The Dark Duet by Cj Roberts Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cj Roberts
didn’t want to. However, my subconscious was not appeased by my belief in
     justifiable murder. I enjoyed it a little too much, my subconscious admonished.
     I was a little too “well-adjusted” for someone inured to such treachery.

    I woke to find Livvie’s body wrapped
     around me. Her chest was pressed to my back and her arm lay covetously against
     my chest. Her warm breath skated against my neck. I smiled to myself. So far,
     each moment with her seemed to be better than the last.

    Panic lingered in my chest, but I had
     grown accustomed to the nightmares. I am nothing if not adaptable. What I found
     more frightening than the dream was the voice in my head telling me I’d never
     let Livvie go. Mine. Mine forever.

    If you’re sighing with contentment,
     you’re either one sick fuck or you don’t grasp the seriousness of the
     situation. While I no longer kill, I am a killer. A killer in love is a very
     dangerous thing.

    I laughed softly because Livvie was
     spooning me.

    “Mmm,” she sighed. Her fingers caressed
     my chest. She pressed closer, her lips finding my neck and leaving a sleepy
     kiss. I reached for her arm and stroked it with my fingers.

    “Are you
     awake?” I whispered. There was no way I was going to be able to go back to
     sleep. My dick was hard and Livvie was much too soft.

    “No,” she grumbled. I chuckled.

    “If you’re not awake, I can’t have your
     pussy for breakfast.” She twitched behind me. Her foot stroked my leg.

    “Never stopped you before.” She
     undulated against me.

    “Oh?” I held her arm and rolled over.
     Her breasts felt hot against my naked chest. It went nicely with the silky feel
     of her thighs as I slid my cock against them. “Do you mind if I help myself
     then?” She bit her lip and tried not to smile. She was more than awake but
     determined to feign sleep. Her lipstick had faded, but red stain remained.
     Aside from the disorderly mess of her long hair, she looked every bit the
     goddess of the night before.

    “Mmnmyeah,” she muttered.

    “You’re fooling no one,” I whispered
     against her neck. She didn’t respond.

    I pushed my own hair from my face.
     Livvie had been playing with it before we fell asleep and I hadn’t bothered to
     tie it back up. It was annoying, but I traveled with a Swiss passport and it
     helped me look the part. I often traveled with a snowboard, though I had no idea
     how to use it.

    I buried my face in her neck and
     inhaled. Her head fell to the other side, exposing her throat to me in clear
     invitation. Beneath me, her legs drifted open. The head of my cock missed the
     silk of her thighs but compromised by rubbing against the sheets. I’d get back
     to her heat soon—no rush. I took my time kissing the long line of Livvie’s
     throat. She moaned and undulated against me. Her feet found the backs of my
     knees and rubbed.

    “That feels good,” she sighed.

    “Shh, you’re supposed to be asleep. I’m
     having my way with you.” I used my thumb to trace her nipple until it was a
     hard little pebble.

    “Well, could you take advantage of me a
     little faster?” Her arms wrapped around me and pulled me closer. Her intention
     to get me to suck on her nipples was obvious, but I ignored it. I’d already
     made reservations at a different restaurant.

    “Don’t make me gag you,” I threatened.
     There was a non-verbal response from her, a slight tensing perhaps, but I was
     too otherwise engaged to think on it. I kissed and sucked my way down her chest
     and briefly stopped to tease her nipples with the tip of my tongue. I kept my
     pressure light. I didn’t suck or lave. I wanted the air to do my teasing as I
     continued my way south.

    Livvie’s hands found their way into my
     hair and she grabbed handfuls of it. It hurt. I decided I might have to cut it
     if she was going to use it as makeshift handlebars. Then again, I couldn’t
     blame her. I loved grabbing hold of her hair too. I

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