His Change of Heart: Unexpected Pregnancy Romance

His Change of Heart: Unexpected Pregnancy Romance by MP John Read Free Book Online

Book: His Change of Heart: Unexpected Pregnancy Romance by MP John Read Free Book Online
Authors: MP John
didn’t hesitate to excuse herself and called a cab to take her home.
        She didn’t think that her evening with Will was going to end badly, but she was a slicker for sticking to habits. And she wasn’t going to give Will a free pass because she found him attractive. 

         A nd that evening after they finished dinner, Will had told her that he wasn’t ready for the evening to end, and had suggested that they go back to his place to continue their date over a glass of wine, maybe. He had also given her the option to take in a late show at the Metropolitan. She had liked his first idea better, and she had accepted his proposal to go home with him.
        Usually she didn’t do this with a guy on the first, or even second date, but something about Will was different. He was different. Not only did she feel comfortable and safe with him, but she was attracted to him in a really big way. She wanted to be with him. She had enjoyed his company at dinner. He was the type of man she had spent many sleepless nights in bed fantasizing about. And part of her wanted to believe that Will felt the same way about her. In fact, every smile, touch and gesture from him had indicated that there was some mutual attraction there.
        And she had found him to be not only handsome, but intelligent, witty, attentive, and charming. He had proven to be far more interesting and engaging than she thought. She honestly was expecting him to be one of those self indulgent, narcissistic, boring rich guys who thought the world of themselves and no one else mattered. But Will had turned out to be quite the opposite. He had surprised her in a very big way. He had talked very little about himself. Instead he had given her his undivided attention. He had made her feel like the most important person in the restaurant. And she couldn’t help noticing the flirty glances he got from women who were there with their dates. Even the waitress had flirted shamelessly with him.
        He had asked about her job, her family, friends, her likes and dislikes. And the inevitable question about her parentage. Despite her light complexion, Will knew she was of mixed parentage, and he had seemed genuinely interest when she had told him the beautiful story about her parents. Her father had been a professor at the university in Kalispell, and her mother was the secretary in his department when they had met and fallen in love.
        And her father’s African American heritage hadn’t deterred her mother from loving him. They had dated for a month before her father had proposed, and they had gotten married. She was born two years later. And even though her parents had encountered their share of objections from family and friends, and the regular discrimination, it hadn’t prevented them from being together. The love they had shared for each other had surpassed every social obstacle they had come across.
       Will had been interested in what she had to say. He hadn’t reached for his blackberry or smart phone once. She wasn’t even certain he had brought his phone into the restaurant with him either. She hadn’t seen him with one. She wished some of the guys she had gone out with in the past had been half as decent. She had sat on edge, well, more like on pins and needles through many dates in the past, pretending to listen to hateful rants about unfaithful ex-girlfriends, unreasonable bosses and parents, how life in general was just so damn unfair and hard. So having a pleasant evening with a man of class was definitely a major step up and a huge welcome change for her, one she was more than happy to embrace.
        Will’s driver had been waiting for them across the street with the black Mercedes Benz when they stepped outside. Will must have called him from inside the restaurant, but she hadn’t seen him use his phone. He must have made the call when she had excused herself to go to the ladies room to redo

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