Love's Abyss (St. John Series)

Love's Abyss (St. John Series) by Lora Thomas Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Love's Abyss (St. John Series) by Lora Thomas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lora Thomas
won’t . . . or don’t want to marry me . . . I . . . well, I . . . couldn’t handle the rejection if your father gave me his blessing and you . . . you,” he paused for dramatic effect before adding, “but I . . . I love you.” The fabrication rolled off his tongue with ease.
    “Yes! Yes! Yes!” exclaimed Madison. “Of course, I’ll marry you!”
    Andrew mustered a pursed-lip smile. He gently grasped Madison by her shoulders and leaned towards her. He was just inches from her face. “You don’t know how happy you’ve just made me,” he whispered as he leaned over and kissed her.
    She wrapped her arms around his neck and tentatively kissed him back. Her single act of innocence excited Andrew. He kissed her more intently. Their kisses became more passionate. He jutted his tongue inside her mouth. She attempted to pull back, but he held strong and leaned harder into her. Madison’s back was pressed up against the hard oak tree. She suddenly felt his hand on her breast. She quickly turned her head away from his kiss and protested, “Andrew! Stop!”
    He stopped suddenly and reminded himself of the plan at hand. He quickly thought of a lie to tell the young beauty in front of him. “I’m so sorry, my dear Madison. Please forgive me. I began thinking of our marriage and was already thinking of you as my wife. Being this close to you . . . I suppose I just let my heart take over my mind.  I’m sorry. It won’t happen again. I promise.”
    As the fib fell off his lips he turned his head, pretending to be ashamed of his actions. Deep down, he wasn’t ashamed. He thoroughly enjoyed the feel of her plump, firm breast in his hand and the way her tongue felt on his. Andrew started thinking about how it would feel inside her, taking her innocence. He grew hard just thinking about it. ‘ Stop, think, breathe’ he reminded himself.
    She looked at him intently and studied his face. “You’re forgiven, but don’t let it happen again,” she pronounced sternly. “Now, I must go. Miss Ruby will be back soon.”
    “Thank you for your forgiveness, my love. I’ll go promptly to speak with your father. Shall I walk you back?”
    “No. If Miss Ruby spots you, she’ll never leave me to myself again.” She smiled sweetly at the handsome Commodore. “Go now. Travel quickly and speak with my father.”
    He gently picked up both her hands and kissed them. He stood to leave. As he was turning he heard Madison say his name. He spun towards her. “Can we announce our engagement at dinner tomorrow?”
    “Of course, whatever you wish.”
    “I was thinking, the sooner we announce it, the sooner we can wed. I think June would be a lovely time. The jasmines are in full bloom then.”
    “June it is. Until tomorrow.”
    Madison hurried back to the house. When she arrived at the back entrance, Cassandra was standing at the door with a motherly look on her face. “And just where have you been, Miss? I was worried when I couldn’t find you.”
    Madison smiled excitedly at Cassandra.
    “You snuck out to see him, didn’t you,” Cassandra said matter-of-factly.
    “Oh, Cassandra, don’t tell Miss Ruby.” Madison and Cassandra had become fast friends since she was acquired a few short months ago. Her real name was Cornelia Cassandra Beauregard. What a dreadful name. Almost everyone called her Nellie, except Madison. She didn’t like Nellie either, so she called her by her middle name.
    “I’ll keep it a secret if . . .”
    “If what?”
    “You tell me all the details,” she stated with a meddlesome smile.
    Madison smiled at her curious little friend and quickly told her what transpired leaving out the kissing incident. If she mentioned the improperness of Andrew to her, Cassandra would do something brash, like demanding a removal of one of the Commodore’s body parts. Come to think of it, she was always threatening to remove something from someone if they upset her or her friends. “Don’t

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