Make Me Lose Control

Make Me Lose Control by Christie Ridgway Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Make Me Lose Control by Christie Ridgway Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christie Ridgway
Not that she’d ever admit it to anyone, but she’d drummed up this idea that it would happen like governess Jane Eyre coming across her as-yet-unknown Mr. Rochester when he and his horse fell on an icy causeway almost at her feet. Of course, now wasn’t the time of year for frosty conditions, and the entire idea was beyond ridiculous, but still Shay couldn’t help herself from keeping a lookout for a frowning, rough-looking traveler.
    There was no sign of anyone, of course.
    And the house they now approached was no Gothic Thornfield Hall.
    Instead it was a massive modern two-story, all steel and glass, with two walls made entirely of windows and a sleek deck that wrapped the entire structure. The prow of it jutted toward the lake, giving the impression of a ship preparing to set sail on the water.
    It was butt ugly.
    There wasn’t a homey touch about the place.
    As they came to a stop in the drive, London sighed, as if she were thinking the same thing. They both pulled their belongings from the backseat. As the teen hitched the strap of her laptop bag over her shoulder, Shay felt another ping of guilt. Not over her brief fling this time, but because she’d left her own computer behind at the house while on her birthday adventure. Not once had she thought about finding a way to check her email. What if Jace Jennings had responded to one of her reports about his daughter at last?
    Though that seemed highly unlikely.
    Since taking over London’s care, she’d delivered weekly missives to the email address provided by his factotum. At first they’d been news-filled and professional—the topics they’d covered during school hours, his daughter’s excellent progress on catching up to grade-level standards—but at his continued silence she’d begun writing more and more outrageous things in order to provoke a response.
    I’ve decided to replace our trigonometry lessons with tango instruction.
    Yesterday, we studied literature by reading
magazine from cover to cover.
    Our chemistry field trip was a trek to the local chocolate factory.
    So far, no reply.
    Inside the house, together they mounted the stairs to their separate bedrooms. “It’s your turn to dust,” Shay reminded the girl, noting the sparkling motes dancing in the sunshine streaming through the windows.
    London paused and turned her head, her black-lined eyes narrowing. “I dusted last time.”
    “Nope,” Shay said, her voice cheery. “That was me. Of course, if you’d prefer to vacuum—”
    “God, no,” London said, and stomped off, each heavy footstep communicating her mood.
    Shay let it roll off her back. “Before dinner, all right?”
    There was a mumbled answer.
    When they’d first moved in, the factotum had said he’d arranged for a weekly housekeeping service. She’d told him not to bother. Cleaning up after oneself was its own lesson, and she’d guessed correctly that it was a lesson the teen had yet to learn. So they split the chores and Shay was unmoved by the eye rolling, the grumbles and the can’t-I-do-it-tomorrow? pleading. Lately, she’d even caught a small smile of satisfaction on London’s face at a well-swept floor or a lemon-wax-polished table.
    Inside her bedroom, she caught a whiff of that pleasant scent. It was a large room, with views that overlooked the lake. The four-poster bed was modern in design, but its stark lines were softened by a white lace-edged duvet she’d brought from home. On the cube table beside the bed sat a photo of the Walkers, from when both her mother and Dell Walker had been alive. Shay paused to scrutinize it now. She often did, looking for similarities between her and her siblings, and her and her mother. Shay’s hair color was different from everyone else’s in the family, and she’d always assumed she’d gotten it from the man who’d made her mother pregnant.
    The one who’d never bothered to reach out to Shay.
    She’d never reached out to him, either. Not even with an

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