mission magic 01 - the incubus job
the muscles in his jaw clenching.
    “My job. What are you doing?” I hoped the incubus didn’t show up while Law was around. He’d probably take one whiff of Law’s fury and run for the hills.
    “We need to talk,” he said and took my arm. He practically dragged me off the chair and back through the lobby into a small office near the kitchen. With a wall of bulletin boards holding schedules, rules, OSHA warnings, and charts indicating food needs for various supernaturals, a row of file cabinets along another wall, and a paper-laden desk, it was clearly the restaurant manager’s office.
    Law pushed me in ahead of him and shut the door. I wasn’t sure if I should be angry he’d interfered with my plan or worried about why he had.
    “What’s so important you had to drag me off the job?” I demanded.
    He leaned back against the door, his arms crossed over his chest, his eyes hooded. His eyes glittered as he scanned me from head to foot. My skin heated. This was not a look he’d ever seen me wear before.
    “You cleaned up,” he said. “Nice.”
    “I’m hunting an incubus,” I said. “I wanted him to take the bait. You think he will?”
    I turned slowly in a circle, letting Law get a good look. I don’t even know what was driving me. For the eighteen months we’d been lovers, we’d had great sex, but I’d always felt like the last cookie in an empty jar. If you can’t be with the one you love, love the one you’re with. That idea. I wanted more than that. I wanted to know that I turned him on, that I was his choice, not his consolation prize.
    I got halfway into my turn when Law came off the wall. Suddenly he was behind me, his breath tickling the back of my neck. He traced my tattooed scars downward to where they disappeared beneath my dress. I shivered at his touch.
    “How did you get that?”
    “A big dead kitty cat.”
    He ran a finger over the white stripe in my hair before moving to the scar on my face. “These?”
    “Ammit demon in Alabama.”
    I felt exposed, like I was naked. I couldn’t move. I didn’t want to.
    “What happened?”
    He bent and flicked his tongue over the lobe of my ear. I locked my knees so I wouldn’t melt to the floor.
    “Which time?” My voice turned husky.
    “Either. Your back,” he said, nibbling around the back of my neck to my other ear.
    I couldn’t seem to catch my breath. My heart pounded. I wanted to lean back against him. I made myself stay still.
    “Costa Rica. A family got kidnapped. It was a ransom thing. The money got paid, but the family didn’t get freed. The drug cartel had hooked up with a lich, thinking they could control it. It didn’t care about money. It wanted to torture them. I got the family on the escape boat, but the lich sicced his pet dead puma on me.”
    Law settled his hands on my shoulders, his thumbs tracing patterns on the back of my neck.
    “You could have died.”
    I couldn’t tell what he was thinking. His voice was utterly colorless.
    “Should have,” I agreed. With both the Ammit demon and the puma. “If the ghosts hadn’t taken care of me, I wouldn’t be here now.”
    His touch was mesmerizing. I stood frozen like a rabbit in the headlights. I told myself to step away from him. I had a job to do. So did he. “What did LeeAnne want?” I made myself ask.
    He turned me around. His gaze dropped to the exposed curves of my breasts. His breath caught, and my belly tightened and my nipples peaked through my dress.
    “That’s what I want to talk to you about,” he murmured, not looking up.
    He lifted his hands to cup my breasts, his thumbs brushing my nipples with butterfly softness. Glorious sensation forked through me. Sparks of blossoming heat followed, turning my insides liquid. I made a whimpering sound.
    That did it for him. He crushed me against him and kissed me as he ran his hands down my naked back and beneath my dress. His fingers curved over my ass, and he ground me against his thick hardness. His kiss was

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