Nasty Bastard (Grim Bastards MC Book 4)

Nasty Bastard (Grim Bastards MC Book 4) by Emily Minton, Shelley Springfield Read Free Book Online

Book: Nasty Bastard (Grim Bastards MC Book 4) by Emily Minton, Shelley Springfield Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emily Minton, Shelley Springfield
lawnmower in the shed. If not, I’ll have to run and pick up a cheap push mower. I’m not even sure if a mower will cut this grass, since it’s so tall, but I’ll have to try.
    Thinking about all I need to get done, I say, “If you finish your sandwich, I’ll let you play outside for a bit.”
    The thought of playing outside has him finished in minutes. A few minutes later, our dirty plates are clean, and we are heading out the door. As soon as we step on the porch, I hear something that stops me in my tracks. No matter how long I’ve been away from home, I know the sound of motorcycles coming when I hear it. Not knowing who it is, I get a bit nervous. I really think Dad and Crank are probably dead, but there’s no guarantee. Just the thought of seeing them causes goosebumps to prickle down my arms.
    “Parker, you need to stay in the house,” I say, pushing him inside.
    “But, you said I could play outside if I ate my food,” he whines, tears pooling in his eyes. “You promised, Mommy.”
    He’s usually a really good kid, but there are times he can throw a fit. I just pray this isn’t one of those times. “Please, baby. Someone is coming, and I don’t know who they are.”
    He looks down the road toward the sound and asks, “Are you scared, Mommy?”
    “I’m not scared, baby, just trying to make sure you are safe.” I try to explain as quickly as I can. “Right now, I want you to go to your bedroom and shut the door. Do not come out, no matter what you hear, until I come get you. All right?”
    He looks at me for a second then nods his head, causing his brown locks to flop into his eyes. Then, he turns and walks right in. I wait until I hear his bedroom door close, then close the house door and watch as the bikes come down the road. They don’t even bother with pulling into the driveway. They drive right through grass and stop just a foot or two away from the porch.
    I stay quiet, watching as the men climb off their bikes. I don’t recognize any of them, but know right away something is wrong. They’re not wearing cuts, so they aren’t Grim Bastards or from any other club that I know of. Just looking at them makes me want to run inside, but they’d catch me before I could even lock the door. Plus, I don’t want them anywhere near Parker.
    The obvious leader of the group walks up to the edge of the steps, while the others stay out in the yard. He’s an average sized guy, not a lot taller than me. He isn’t very muscular. In fact, he could only be described as scrawny. He’s wearing a plain t-shirt and pair of jeans, with black biker boots. There’s so much grease in his hair, it’s hard to tell if it is actually brown or dark blonde. The sores on his face and hands, and my years of working as a nurse, tell me the man is a meth addict and has been for a long time.
    “Who are you?” he asks, stepping onto the first step.
    One more and he’ll be right in my face, but I hold my ground. “This is my home, so the question should be, who are you?”
    “We’ve been here a time or two, and I don’t remember seeing you before.” He smirks, looking back at the others. “How about you, boys? You remember seeing this hot little piece of ass last time we stopped by?”
    A few grunted “no’s” are accompanied by one man grabbing his crotch and saying, “I wouldn’t forget snatch that fucking hot.”
    Fuck, fuck, fuck! Why the hell did I ever think coming back to this shit hole was a good idea? I should have taken Parker to somewhere new and started our lives over, but it’s too late for that now. I have two choices: break down and cry or pretend that my entire body is not shaking with fear. I choose the latter and hope to still be breathing after this is over.
    Clearing my throat, I keep my eyes locked on the leader. “I just moved in a few days ago, so I doubt we’ve met before.”
    “So you just moved into Stone’s house?” he asks, cocking a brow.
    I try to choose my words carefully,

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