RIDE: The Complete Delancey Brothers Trilogy

RIDE: The Complete Delancey Brothers Trilogy by Joanna Blake Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: RIDE: The Complete Delancey Brothers Trilogy by Joanna Blake Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joanna Blake
nodded sleepily. She'd only been in the water a few minutes, but I could tell it was time for her to go to sleep. Even just going out to dinner took a lot out of her.
    "Okay, enough excitement for today, let's get you in bed."
    A half an hour later she was settled and sleeping soundly. Meanwhile I was wide-awake. I didn't drink wine very often. You would think it would help you get right to sleep. Instead it was keeping me up for some God forsaken reason.
    It wasn't just that either. It was him. Jackson Delancey was wreaking havoc with my peace of mind.
    My fingers slid over my lips again and again. I could still feel him. For some strange reason I almost thought I could still smell him! He'd smelled like evergreen and leather. It was very manly and very appealing. I'd never smelled anything so delicious in my life.
    This was ridiculous! I didn't even like the man! I extra didn't like him!
    Finally I gave in and turned on the light. I did some unpacking in my room, careful not to wake Casey. By the time the sun was starting to light up the sky I was ready for bed. I glanced at my alarm. If I lay down now I could get a few hours sleep before Casey got up.
    The next thing I knew someone was banging on the front door.

Chapter Nine

    I'd gotten up early as usual. I'd wolfed down my breakfast, finished before anyone else even made an appearance. Mrs. Garretty handed me a basket on the way out the door.
    "What's this Mrs. G?"
    Her soft blue eyes twinkled at me.
    "It's not polite to go calling empty handed."
    "I'm not going empty handed."
    I held up my tools. She rolled her eyes at me affectionately. She'd been a mother to all of us over the years. I loved her dearly, even if she was meddling.
    "Not the same dear. Here, take this to go visit your lady friend."
    Seemed like everybody had a vested interest in getting Angelina and I together. Especially me. Of course, they might stop helping if they knew I just wanted to screw her six ways from Sunday.
    I had no intention of settling down. But I had amended my plans a bit.
    I lay awake half the night carefully planning my attack. I didn't just want one night. I wanted casual sex, as much as I wanted, on demand, indefinitely. After the way she'd kissed me back, I knew she'd be a real wild cat in bed.
    She'd kissed like a sophisticated city woman. She hit like a bantamweight. I just need to keep her too busy in bed to go around slapping me again.
    We could screw when we wanted to, and dislike each other the rest of the time.
    It was a perfect plan.
    I just had to convince her of it.
    Of course, casual sex did not mean I would allow her to be with other men. No, I'd keep her way too busy for that. Maybe I'd put a path in between our two properties. I could go back and forth at night as the mood struck me. From our house, right up to the back door of hers.
    Yes, that was an excellent idea.
    I just had to talk Angelina into it. I grinned as I drove over to her place. I hoisted my tools and the basket of food. Then I rang the doorbell, waiting expectantly.
    Then I rang it again.
    And again.
    Seven minutes later the door opened. My eyes grew wide at the sight of her. Angelina stood in the doorway in a slinky, semi-sheer tanktop, slouchy pajama pants with fuzzy bunny slippers. Her gorgeous hair tumbled over her shoulders. Her face was still soft and unguarded from sleep.
    She looked sexy as all get out.
    But that wasn't even the best part. Oh no. That was below her neck. Her nipples looked like they could cut glass. I could see them clearly, as well as the outline of her perfectly round, bouncy looking tits.
    Just like that, I was erect.
    "What are you doing here?"
    I ignored her surly tone, my eyes glued to her chest. From her sharp intake of breath, she realized what I was doing too. I licked my lips appreciatively and she crossed her arms over her chest.
    I smirked at her.
    "Nice slippers."
    She glared at me. We both knew I hadn't been looking at her feet. I bet those looked

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