Selby's Stardom

Selby's Stardom by Duncan Ball Read Free Book Online

Book: Selby's Stardom by Duncan Ball Read Free Book Online
Authors: Duncan Ball
asked Mrs Trifle.
    â€˜A minute or so later, the alarm would go off,’ the Countess explained. ‘The phone would ring and the Captain of the Guards would ask for the secret code number. If I didn’t give it to him then he and his men would come running from the town. I’m afraid that these crowns are the only valuable things left in the whole kingdom.’
    There were two beeps to show that the alarm was off and then the Count barged into the room.
    â€˜Follow all of I,’ he said.
    â€˜Wow! Look at those crowns!’ Selby thought. ‘They’ve got jewels everywhere! They must be worth a fortune!’
    â€˜This crown belonged to my great great great great grandson before she was one hundred,’ the Count explained. ‘The other crowns belong to my seventeen wives.’
    â€˜His wife,’ the Countess said. ‘That’s me.’
    â€˜It’s got seven hundred jewel and it’s worth two cents,’ the Count said.
    â€˜Very nice,’ Mrs Trifle said politely. ‘Thank you so much for showing them to us.’
    â€˜I love to have house guests,’ the Countess said. ‘It gives me a chance to go out and play Bingo in town. My husband isn’t very good at it because of all the numbers. Would you like to come with me?’
    â€˜Well, yes, we would,’ Mrs Trifle said.
    â€˜Good, then we’ll leave my husband alone with the dog so he can get used to him.’

    That evening, Selby and the Count were left alone in the Great Hall while the others were out. The Count repeatedly moved closer to pat Selby but then backed off.
    â€˜You’re not going to bite me, are you?’ the Count asked.
    â€˜Well, no, I’m not,’ Selby thought (he didn’t say it), ‘and I’m not going to talk to you either. I did it once but that was because it was an emergency.’
    â€˜I give up,’ the Count said. ‘I’m going to bed.’
    â€˜I can’t believe this guy,’ Selby thought, as he curled up by the fire. ‘He isn’t trying at all to get over his fear. I’d like to help him but if that’s the best he can come up with then what can I do?’
    Selby fell into a light sleep but soon woke up.
    â€˜Oh bother,’ he thought. ‘I’ve got to go to the loo. I can’t get out of the castle so I’ll have to use a people-loo.’
    Selby wandered off down the darkened corridor until he found a door with a scribbled sign on it that said,’ Man Toilets’.
    â€˜I guess that’s for me.’
    Selby pushed open the door only to find the startled Count sitting on the toilet.
    â€˜Help! Help!’ the Count yelled, hopping past Selby as he tried to pull his pants up. ‘Get away from me!’
    With this, the Count bolted off down the corridor.
    â€˜Hey, Count!’ Selby said in a stern voice. ‘It’s only me. I’m not going to hurt you.’
    Seeing Selby coming towards him, the Count backed through a doorway.
    â€˜Count Karnht! Not that one,’ Selby yelled. ‘That’s the Crown Room! You’ll set off the alarm!’
    Selby raced after him. Inside, huddled in the corner was the terrified Count with one hand covering his eyes. Suddenly, there was a beep beep beep from the alarm system.
    â€˜You have to put in the secret code number quickly or the alarm will go off,’ Selby said.

    The Count slowly spread his fingers and looked at Selby. But before he could get up bells suddenly started ringing, sirens sirened, and lights flashed. Selby spun around as quickly as aballet dancer and headed for the door but he was too slow. Security bars suddenly dropped down in the doorway, trapping Selby and the Count inside the Crown Room.
    All at once the bells and sirens stopped and the telephone rang. The Count picked it up.
    â€˜Yes, of course I know the secret code number,’ he said. ‘It’s —’
    â€˜Don’t say the

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