Stage Left (Bright Lights Billionaire #1)

Stage Left (Bright Lights Billionaire #1) by Ali Parker Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Stage Left (Bright Lights Billionaire #1) by Ali Parker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ali Parker
against it. Who the fuck knew where her hands had been.
    "Porn." She smiled as if thrilled with her life choices. "This love scene is going to be a piece of cake."
    "Right. One minute." I walked calmly to the edge of the stage, finding Deza and giving her the look that she knew quite clearly meant I was close to getting in some random car and driving off.
    "What now, Ethan? You're getting to be as bad as most women I work with." She put her hands on her hips and glared at me.
    "Hey, suck-a-dick up there has been in a million porns. I'm not kissing her when she's had her lips on every man in America's cock. Not happening. Nope." I crossed my arms over my chest as Deza leaned around me and snorted.
    "Really? This is turning out to be a nightmare."
    "You should go have a love scene with one of them. The nightmares, that is." I turned and looked over my shoulder, waving at the girl and giving her a sweet smile.
    "All right. I'll make something up. I'm not comfortable with that either." She tugged at the front of my shirt. "If you mess the rest of these up this afternoon, I'm going to pull another fifty for you to make out with over the rest of this week. You got me? Man the fuck up."
    "Whatever. I'm doing these last eight and then I'm going to my trailer to jack off to your picture." I poked at her. "You know you love it."
    "You're disgusting." She rolled her eyes and moved around me.
    "But you love me, right?"
    "Yes, I love you." She glanced over her shoulder and shook her head. "Wine. Get it. Now, Ethan. Anything to chill you out."
    I picked up a bottle of wine from the liquor table and walked out into the parking lot, leaning against the wall and popping the top. The sky was dark and the day a little too dismal for my liking. It pulled at my mood and left me feeling the need for companionship. I knew one person in the world that wasn't intimately invested in my career or all the money it could make them and yet still cared about me.
    My older brother, Liam. I pulled out my phone and called him, smiling as he picked up immediately.
    "Hey buddy. I was going to call you tonight. How are you?" His voice was full of warmth. I closed my eyes and leaned against the building as I took another long drink.
    "I'm good. Well, I'm shit, but whatever." I let my eyes move across the parking lot as a little red clunker drove up. Great. Another charity case.
    "How about you come over for some beer and brats tonight? Just you and me? We can catch up on a few things, mostly women." He chuckled.
    "Sounds like a plan. I ain't got much to share, so I'll just get wasted and live vicariously through you. You got a girl on the hook?" My eyes stayed in the vicinity of the car as a dainty girl with short strawberry blond hair got out and looked around. The minute I caught a glimpse of her profile I knew it was her.
    My heart skipped a beat, which left me feeling like an idiot. What was I doing? I'd lived in a romance scene for most of my adult years, and now at twenty-four I felt like love at first sight was a possibility? Fuck no. It was a pipe dream, and one I'd most likely be forced to roll up and smoke until my skin turned green.
    "I don't know." My brother's voice called me back from my fruity-ass daydreams. "I have this new woman that I interviewed last week and she... she's everything I want, Ethan."
    "You fuck her yet?" I moved to my right a little and lifted to my toes.
    She glanced over at me, gave me a quick nod and walked toward the opening. Her picture didn't do her justice, and I openly turned and watched her walk in as she ignored me. It was cute - almost. She was probably scared shitless to come over and talk to me. Or maybe just polite. I was on the phone.
    "Not yet, but it’s part of the game, right? She thinks she’s coming to work for me as my top adviser, but I don't want her advice. I want in her panties. Once I'm done with having my way with her, I'll let her go."
    "Sounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen. I love it." I turned

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