The Corporate Escape

The Corporate Escape by Elizabeth Drake Read Free Book Online

Book: The Corporate Escape by Elizabeth Drake Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Drake
Tags: Romance
forest green and the dark black of her pupils seemed to expand with each breath. He felt a stirring deep within. One that had been dormant for many years. He took her hand in his. His breath grew heavier, as his gaze dropped to her full lips. They were slightly parted, begging to be kissed. His hand lightly twisted her soft hair through his fingers, as he bent his head to hers.
    Lynn felt light headed. She had been kissed before, but had never felt this kind of gentleness and tenderness. Every tender touch brought her closer to his soul. His free hand gently held her face, moving slightly in a loving caress. She lifted her hand to his cheek.
    A soft moan from his lips drew her closer to him. Hungry for the feel of her in his arms, Paul’s hand moved to trace the small of her back. She moaned slightly at the feeling, and felt the pressure of his hand increase. She was floating in the water, immersed in the black ink of his caress. Her hand moved to trace the muscles of his broad shoulders. She felt herself slipping, further and further into the sweetness of his touch.
    Paul pulled her closer, longing to be one. The urgency of his kiss increased, and the responses she was arousing in him baffled his senses. She was so soft, so lovely, so warm. He was drunk in the passion of her kiss. He moaned audibly and pushed her away from him slightly. The passion of his kiss was written on her face. Her eyes searched his, wondering why he had allowed rationale to invade their intimacy. His eyes danced around her face, trying to etch in his memory the sweet effect of his affections.
    Lynn felt herself coming out of the fog of passion, and recognized the dizziness of love. She was suddenly embarrassed by the extent of their embrace and the wantonness of her response.
    She lowered her eyes, trying to regain her composure. He pulled her into the protectiveness of his arms, stroking her hair with his hand. She understood his empathy. He was as vulnerable as she was. She felt safe and warm in his arms, and held him tight for a moment, as if to tell him so. Her head was nestled in his shoulder and Paul found himself caressing her hair, as much to soothe himself, as for her. She had reached the hunger of his soul with her innocent sweetness, that had not been touched by blatant sensuality. His struggle for control was harder than he remembered. He felt bewildered by the long buried emotions.
    Yet, he knew his feeling for Lynn were more than a passing emotion. He respected her, even admired her. Something he could not recall feeling for a woman he claimed as a contemporary. They had talked more about what they believed in, than what they did. He knew she was a strong woman, with a deep faith and a caring soul. He knew more of who she truly was, than he did many of long time friends. The closeness and intensity of his new found feelings for her disturbed him. He needed time to think about this, by himself, away from the powers of her touch.
    They had stood together, locked in the comfortable embrace for much longer than either one realized. Lost in thoughts of each other, they stood together as one.
    Finally Paul stepped back slightly. Lynn felt her body shiver at the separation and again was intrigued by his power over her.
    “Perhaps we should get back,” he said more as a caress than a suggestion.
    “Yes,” she replied quietly. “I need time to examine the feelings you've just lead me through.”
    Paul agreed and was surprised at the similarity of their thoughts.
    “We can talk tomorrow, after some of the fog has cleared.”
    Lynn smiled at his reply. He was feeling the same way!
    They walked back to her hotel in silence. Strolling, this time hand in hand. They gazed into shop windows as they passed. Yet, neither saw the finery the windows displayed. At the entrance to the hotel, Lynn confessed her own lack of desire to return to the party. Paul agreed and offered to drive her to where she was staying. He was surprised to find that she was

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