allowing her to pass. Her chin lifted as she studied the men before her, anger surging in her blood.
    One spoke up. “We will not allow this.”
    The air shifted. Tension behind her grew. She sensed their weapons, level with the monsters before her, refusing to waver. Her own pistol hung at her side, threatening only the ground. The cool metal was somehow reassuring against her palm.
    Involuntary images flashed through her mind, her barrel lifting, blood flowering over white garb. At first, the thoughts were satisfactory, but her head ached with all the red staining her thoughts.
    Today had already been too horrible. These men had only told someone else to do what it took, someone she’d already faced and didn’t murder. Vengeance wasn’t pretty, nor would it give back what had been stolen from her. Opting for logic seemed like the smartest choice. She didn’t need their blood on her hands while hers wasn’t quite dry on theirs.
    “You are missing out on a huge opportunity here.”  She took another step forward, lowering her voice. “Think about it, if I leave now, you won’t have to deal with me again. You’ll be long dead once we come back, if we even do. ”
    She lifted her chin, glaring into each face in turn, daring them to challenge her. “If I stay, I will fight, I will lead a rebellion. Our people are long overdue, wouldn’t you agree? Only death would silence me.”
    One of the men before her shifted. A pop from her right deafened her. The force of a cannon slammed through her stomach. Her right arm shot out, seeking purchase as she faltered. The wall melted into the ceiling as she fell back through space. Radek’s arms caught her, lowering her to the ground with a gentle touch.
    Ve ndas cut around her, stepping to the front of the pack. The pop, pop, pop of pistols firing around her rang through her head as agony steeped into her blood, radiating out from her core.
    The shearing pain blurred her vision, but she rolled her head to watch the white-clad council crumple, one by one, crimson decorating their clothes and the walls behind them.
    “Stay with me.” Radek’s husky words soared through her senses. On his knees, he set her head on the ground.
    The rest of the men turned their backs to her, their guns leveled at anyone who might dare encroach. The threat reminded her of the earth creature, the porcupine, quills bared and ready if anything was dumb enough to get too close.
    Zoltan, though, broke the line to turn and drop to a knee beside her. She shook her head, pushing him back. He fell back, his hands catching him, a shocked look on his face. When he tried to move closer, Radek pulled his gun, leveling it with the man’s chest without taking his eyes off her wound.
    Zoltan hesitated, refusing to move for a second. A click warned Radek had cocked the pistol. Body tense with fury, Zoltan backed up, a sneer curling his lips. Only when he found his place in line did Radek lower his weapon to its holster.
    Rays of dim light streamed between the soldier’s boots, lighting the darkness fast pressing in on her. Rolling her head the other direction, she noticed the growing crowd. Terror-filled faces met her gaze; random people with hands pressed to their mouths, wide eyes, dread tainted the air a metallic scent.
    Radek’s rasped words drew her attention back to him once more. “Forgive me, ma’am.” His deep blue eyes jumped from her belly to her face and back to her wound. Short, ebony hair shone with the motion of his head. Scarred hands gripped her suit, tugging it way from her skin. The material peeled apart under his force, the sound of it ripping unnaturally loud.
    Panic crashed over her in a wave of heat and her mind flashed dark. Her fist smashed into his jaw with a sickening crack. He snapped back, before pressing in closer, a large hand on her hip, holding her lower body immobile.
    Her fist smashed into him again, but he didn’t react. Instead, he thrust something cold against her

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