Warrior Lover (Draconia Tales)

Warrior Lover (Draconia Tales) by Karilyn Bentley Read Free Book Online

Book: Warrior Lover (Draconia Tales) by Karilyn Bentley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karilyn Bentley
Tags: Fantasy
side, generating stares from the few passersby. Lily craned her neck watching. Being invisible was a lot better now that he left the shop.
    She looked to where Keara and Thoren had stood, concentrating on their energy patterns, the only evidence she saw indicating their position. Then the patterns began to move into the front room. Lily’s hand slapped over her mouth as a satchel floated out from under the counter and books flew from the shelves into the bag.
    Knowing her invisible friend dumped the books into the bag didn’t make it any less strange.
    Her teeth bit into her finger and she tasted blood when the satchel disappeared. Apparently Keara had no hand across her face as she gasped loud enough to draw Lord Simon’s attention.
    “Did you hear that?” he asked his men.
    “No, sir.”
    “Didn’t hear nothing, sir.”
    He stared right where her friend must be, even though Lily could no longer see Keara’s energy pattern. The light in the main part of the shop was such she had a hard time seeing Thoren and Keara’s auras, but she thought they still stood right by where the satchel last sat. Good thing Simon hadn’t seen that disappear.
    Lily bit back a laugh. She must be losing her mind. Maybe none of this happened. Maybe the whole day was a bad dream. People did not become invisible and bags did not disappear. For that matter, necklaces didn’t stay put around one’s neck until the giver died either. Most definitely, she was dreaming.
    Closing her eyes, she buried her face into Enar’s chest. Except this didn’t feel like her pillow, nor did it smell like her pillow. She opened her eyes, noting nothing changed. She still stood in Keara’s shop in the strong arms of a giant who gave delectable kisses. Her body reacted to her surroundings with a pounding heart and trembling limbs, making it hard for her to deny her circumstances. Apparently she wasn’t crazy.
    Although in these circumstances crazy would almost be preferable to magic-wielding giant men.
    “Is everything in the bags on the horses?” Thoren’s voice whispered out of nowhere.
    “Yes. Packed and ready to go.” Lily felt Enar’s voice rumbling against her ear.
    She turned her head, facing where the voice sounded, relieved to see Thoren’s aura even if she couldn’t see his body. She saw his aura move, what looked like his hand flick toward the open back door. Lily blinked when the bags on the horses disappeared. Then Keara’s bag, the one sitting in the middle of the room, vanished. Shaking her head, Lily bit back a laugh. The events of the last few minutes had jaded her against disappearing bags. What would happen next? Men turning into dragons?
    “Is there any way out of here besides the front or the back door?” Thoren’s disembodied voice whispered.
    “There’re the sewers in the cellar.” Lily blinked at Jamie when he spoke. “Leads to the south river.”
    How did a small boy know where the thieves hid? Just another thing to add to her list of unusual happenings. The previously non-existent list had grown enormous in the course of one afternoon.
    “To the cellar then. Jamie, you’ll lead once we’re at the bottom.”
    Once down the stairs and out of sight of the open trapdoor, Enar handed the invisibility ball back to Thoren, returning to his visible self. Blood Seeker hummed against his back, ready for a fight, while Lily clung to his arm. His woman shook through the entire encounter with the bastard who called himself a lord. The harder Lily shook, the harder Enar’s chest hurt. To stop the unusual, and heretofore never experienced, pain he had resorted to stroking Lily’s back, which lessened her tremors and in the process reduced the pain in his chest.
    Enar cursed as he stubbed his toe against an unseen object while he followed Thoren through the damp darkness. What he would give to have perfect night vision like his friend. Sounds from the soldiers drifted down like pieces of dirt and he felt Lily’s hand

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