Warrior's Craft Four Guys & A Witch

Warrior's Craft Four Guys & A Witch by Cheryl Dragon Read Free Book Online

Book: Warrior's Craft Four Guys & A Witch by Cheryl Dragon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cheryl Dragon
Tags: BIN 05625-01802
around all these men. Maybe her casual state turned Reed on?
    “It’s from a guy at the police department. I gave him a heads up about the demons, the bar, and that they were after women. The girl from yesterday is dead.” Reed slumped in his desk chair. “Apparently these demons can track people they’ve been close to. Not a good break for us.”
    The sting of loss and failure hit her. “It’s my fault. We should’ve brought her here. Or done something more. I just took her home.”
    “It’s not your fault. We didn’t know they had this power.” His eyes narrowed in frustration.
    “What if they come after you guys next? They got a taste of DC’s arm.” Phoebe wasn’t leaving until these demons were gone. She’d made up her mind that her guys were going to be safe. “If I had the power to incinerate them all, I’d just go there myself.”
    “No! Even if you had the power, you don’t know how many there are. They could overtake you. You never go in alone! Ever! I don’t think they’d come here, because they don’t know how many fighters we have. And now that they know we have a witch, odds are they’ll keep a low profile for now.”
    “Makes sense. But they killed that girl. We have to stop them. They’re not going to back off. They’re going to keep feeding on humans.” Phoebe couldn’t stand the thought of more people dying. “We have to try again.”
    “You’re right. These demons aren’t going to stop. We have to go after them. Can you double-check the location of their hideout?”
    She nodded. “Maybe a daytime attack is best? They have to sleep sometime. Maybe we should go for another round of spell power after breakfast and attack while it’s light?”
    Reed sighed. “I appreciate what you’re trying to do for us, but I won’t turn you into a sexual conduit. You’re a woman, not an oracle. We’re not using you.”
    Her blood pressure tipped up, and Phoebe stood slowly. “No, you’re not using me, Reed. I’m an adult. I understand your family was messed up, and I’m sorry you don’t have a view of women as independent, strong people who can think for themselves and act on their own. But I can protect myself, and I wouldn’t have sex with men I don’t love. You are a good person beneath all your walls. People told you what is right and wrong, and you’re trying to please everyone. That’s the sort of thinking that’ll leave you miserable and everyone else in danger. Other people’s approval won’t make you happy.”
    “I didn’t mean it like that. I just think maybe we’re pushing the sex thing too much.” Reed walked toward her.
    “No!” She held up a hand and telekinetically shoved Reed back into his desk chair. “I’m not too tired, obviously. Whatever your hang up is, let it go. If no one is holding anything back, the spell could work better. Last night we all had a lot of fun -- and with no spell or purpose other than being together. You may lead the group, but you can’t dictate what people feel.”
    “DC needed healing.” Reed shrugged.
    “Right. I’m sure it helped, but the desire wasn’t about spells or power. It’s there. I always wondered why none of you asked me out, and what would I say if you or DC did make a move. I care so much about all of you. I’m just glad I don’t have to make a choice. It’s not typical, but I hope whatever this is works. If you’re just in it for warrior protection, you better get honest with the group.” She believed he had feelings for her and the guys, but if he’d never admit it -- or open himself up to others -- it couldn’t last.
    “You’re saying I’m the problem?” he asked.
    “I don’t know for sure. You’re the leader of your group, but this isn’t a battle scenario. You can’t be the boss of a relationship or a friendship. Before this started, I thought we were friends. Now there seem to be more walls, even though we’ve been more intimate than ever before. Maybe it’s these demons, but

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