Wolf Bite

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Book: Wolf Bite by Heather Long Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather Long
the lie around. “Has she gone Lone Wolf?” Lexi was human, but she was still pack. It wasn’t so ridiculous an idea.
    “It’s not really your concern, is it?” Her eyes narrowed.
    “She was a friend. And someone I cared about.” All truths. “If she’s here, that means she’s not with pack. She’s not protected.” He let the disapproval rise in the words.
    Margo sighed and waved him toward his chair. The invitation was more wolf-to-wolf as equals than dominant to subordinate, so Mason humored her and sat. She scanned the area around them visually. Her nostrils flared and he recognized her checking the local scents. Enforcers never let down their guard.
    Seemingly satisfied, she leaned forward and dropped her voice to a near subvocal range. No human would overhear them, even if they sat at a nearby table. “Alexis Huston left the Willow Bend pack about four years ago, but she does not possess Lone Wolf status. Toman overruled Ryan, granting her permission to go to school here. So, we keep an eye her. Pass through regularly, check her job, her school and her apartment building. I was in the area, it was time for a check in.”
    As gossip went, that was bland. He couldn’t help himself, he had to ask. “Why did Toman let her leave?” The Alpha’s primary reason for existence was the safety and protection of his pack, all of them. Lexi was still pack. The memory of her soft cries and her nails raking down his back reminded him he still wore her marks. Any other time, he’d have stripped off his shirt and shown them off proudly.
    But not among the humans and sure as fuck not in front of Margo.
    “Hell if I know, they don’t tell me that.” She laughed. “Ryan told me she was coming here, gave me her address, and asked me to circulate it to the other Enforcers. We keep an eye on her and we don’t let her know we’re doing it. She wants her independence. Toman gave it to her.”
    Toman should never have overruled her own father. It pissed Mason off that the Alpha would overstepped so far as to interfere in what should be a family’s personal business. Then again, Alexis was human, not wolf. She was also Mason’s—he cut the thought off. Toman wouldn’t deliberately endanger her because of Mason? Or would he? Once upon a time, Mason believed he’d understood his former Alpha, even tried to respect him when his wolf had been in a killing anger.
    Now? With years of maturity under his belt, he saw a number of different solutions Toman could have put into play. All options Toman chose to ignore.
    “Why she’s here isn’t your problem,” Margo was saying. “That said, and since you’re still in Dallas, I have a favor to ask.”
    Him? She wanted to ask him a favor? That was rich. His wolf went hunting quiet and they both stared at Margo. She shifted under the weight of his gaze. That’s interesting… Making her look away was one thing, but making her uncomfortable?
    It made the predator in him very happy and soothed some of his irritation at Toman.
    “Yes?” He asked with a smile, before taking another sip of his coffee. Her brief scowl had him easing off. Having the power to overwhelm someone didn’t mean he had to be an ass about it. “What favor?”
    “Ryan Huston called me this morning, he was worried when Alexis didn’t go to work and wasn’t answering her phone. I was on my way to check on her when I ran into you.”
    The house of cards beneath his façade trembled, but Mason merely nodded and waited for her to continue. Too many hunts were ruined when a wolf lunged too soon or retreated before the kill could happen. Ten years of solitude taught him a great deal about patience.
    “But I had another call before I could go up. You know Ripper Morgan?”
    Vaguely. He’d crossed paths with the other Enforcer once, maybe twice, in the first years away from Willow Bend. Morgan didn’t like the south or at least he said he didn’t and hadn’t ventured into this region often.
    “Fine, it

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