sun is fullrisen this morning. Best you mark my name, so the thanks might be a proper one. Know to whom you owe your gratitude, lass. And that’s to Jack Green.”
She whirled around, ready to confront the guy and threaten him with the cops, only to see him still seated on his barstool.Thirty feet away.
Her eyes widened, and she stared for one long minute, knowing that in the new version of her reality—where her friends married vampires and werewolves, and had other shapeshifters over for dinner—a lot more things were possible than she’d ever thought before. Maybe this guy was magical, but either way, Danice had no interest in finding out what he meant. In this instance, retreat was the best part of valor.
Stomach knotted but chin high, she spun back around and pushed herself out the door. It was definitely time to head home where she could pretend none of this had ever happened, and where the closest she got to magic was flipping past the latest “Magic Secrets Revealed” special on TV.
Chapter Two
He slipped into her dreams like a wraith, but his body felt warm and substantial against her skin. He curled around her, a firm, living blanket pressed against her back, his large frame making her feel tiny and protected as he wrapped his thick arms around her and snuggled her closer.
Danicesighed and stretched a little, arching her back to press her behind against the erection that prodded her. That felt hot and a good bit more than substantial. Her sleep-fogged brain tried to latch Page 2
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onto something about the moment that seemed off, but he distracted her with a soft, rousing kiss, placed just behind her ear where the skin was fragrant and sensitive.“ Mmm.” He matched her murmur with a low rumble that sounded an awful lot like a purr. His tongue flicked over the curve of her jaw, traced its way up to the lobe of her ear and teased for a moment before his teeth closed delicately over the plump flesh. He nibbled, and her murmur became a moan.
The arm around her waist tightened in a brief hug before his hand slipped over bare skin to close around a sleep-soft breast. It firmed against his palm, the nipple drawing into a tight bead and taunting his cupped fingers. They closed around the small nub, squeezing gently, tugging in time to the nibbling at her ear. His other arm shifted, and she felt the scrape of a callused hand over her hip and belly before long, lean fingers cupped possessively over her mound.
She sighed, the sound shivering through the darkness. Sleep still cradled her, drowsy and secure, but the sensation of her lover’s touch turned the lazy feeling into a sort of spell, holding her in place, making her unwilling to pull away. She’d much rather get closer. Shifting, she tried to turn over in his arms to face him. His hands tightened to hold her in place, and she frowned.
He shushed her murmur of protest, nipping lightly at the curve of her shoulder. His large hand kneaded her breast, taking her mind off his refusal to allow her to change position. Then the hand between her legs slid down and took her mind off of everything else. Strong, lean fingers combed through the small patch of curls and dipped, parting her folds and burying themselves in her wet heat.
Instinct arched her hips toward his touch. Her clit burned and ached with need, but he avoided it. Two fingers eased her lips apart, finding her opening and rimming it with delicate pressure. A gasp escaped her lips, and she squirmed against him. His cock pressed hard and hot against her buttocks, and she canted them so the shaft rode the crevice between. She reached up behind her to pull him closer, her fingers tangling in a mass of silky soft hair, surprisingly long and wonderfully thick. He resisted her attempts to guide him, making a soft tisking sound against her ear. His hand lifted from her breast, and he laced their fingers together, holding them