1 Hot Scheming Mess

1 Hot Scheming Mess by Lucy Carol Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: 1 Hot Scheming Mess by Lucy Carol Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lucy Carol
Tags: Hot Scheming Mess
at times.”
    Madison refolded the towel to get the cooler side out, and replaced it over her forehead and eyes. “My name is Madison. What’s yours?”
    “Toonie? That’s… very pretty.”
    “Bullshit. It’s weird. But it’s better than Petunia. No one dared call me Petunia except my mother.” As if just waking up to the situation, Toonie struggled to get up on her elbows, pulled the towel off, and squinted at Madison. “Are you that rude girl next door? The one who raises hell into all hours of the night?”
    Madison’s tiara fell askew down her forehead. She pushed it back with the palm of her hand. “I’m afraid so. I’m that rude girl. Look, I’m really sorry about—”
    From the open doorway a voice cried out. “Aunt Toonie! Are you all right?”
    Toonie sat straight up and said in a fierce whisper, “Not a word, you hear me?” A young woman about Madison’s age threw down her purse and some grocery bags as she came running in.
    She had very short light brown hair with pretty brown eyes. She looked high fashion with her short cut and tall, model-like figure.
    “Of course I’m all right,” Toonie said matter-of-factly. “I was just demonstrating the correct way to do sit-ups to this nice young girl.” The young woman’s skepticism was all over her face as she placed her hands on her hips. “Uh-huh. Aunt Toonie, really now.”
    Toonie smiled at Madison. “Now you try it, Madison.” She pushed Madison down on her back, the costume riding up to Madison’s knees.
    “What? Oh! Absolutely.” You’ve got to be kidding me. Madison ignored Crystal’s face, as Toonie said, “Just twenty. And let’s go for speed this time. Come on!” She clapped her hands. Madison hung onto her chiffon and tiara and proceeded to do sit-ups as fast as she could. The memory of her sore muscles came rushing back as she groaned, slowed down on the seventh one, and trembled to complete the eighth before collapsing. Toonie cocked one brow in surprise and mumbled, “Needs some work.” Toonie stood up and put her arm around Crystal and said, “This here is my niece Crystal. She came over this morning to make a fuss. A girl can’t lose a few pounds without someone making a fuss.” Crystal was quite tall herself at around 5’10”, but nothing like her aunt.
    Lying on her back on the floor, Madison wheezed out, “Nice to meet you, Crystal.” She took her time standing up, trying not to show her soreness.
    “My aunt shouldn’t be pushing herself so hard. I don’t know why she’s back in training but—”
    Toonie interrupted, “Glad you stopped by Madison. Anytime.”
    “Actually, I do have some errands to run before going to a birthday party.” She straightened out her dress. “That’s why I’m dressed this way.”
    Crystal had the same ability as her aunt to cock one eyebrow to good effect, and said, “You mean that’s not the latest fashion to train in?”
    “Uh… take care, Toonie. Thanks for the… sit-ups. I guess.” Madison wondered what training both Toonie and Crystal had referred to, but decided it was more important to get going. She hurried out of the door to get her tote bag that she’d left out in the hallway. There was still time to fit in some coffee before seeing Grandpa if she hurried.
    “Madison?” Toonie stood in the doorway. She looked Madison in the eyes and nodded. “Thanks.”

Chapter Six
    The smells that filled The Loony Bean cafe were like heaven to Madison as she let the glass door close, little bells jingling near the top of the door. She inhaled the aromas deep into her body and exhaled nice and slow to the sounds of liquid whooshing as milk was steamed behind the counter. She felt some of her earlier confidence returning. The soft murmur of conversation as people came and went occasionally caught her ear as someone would mention her costume with “ooh, look at that” or “now that’s just lovely.” She would look their way and smile with a short

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