the rest of her days. The thought of someone with such a passion for life being confined behind bars made his skin crawl. He could imagine what he’d feel if the same happened to him. There’s no way I could live like that, year after year with no hope of salvation, I’d rather be dead. And if Sarah felt the same way – and I know her well enough to know she would – after failing to escape her prison she’d resort to the only thing that was still in her control, the taking of her own life. I wouldn’t wish such a bleak outlook on my worst enemy. To exist for the sake of living was not life. And yet what can I do to help her? She has nowhere to go. And if she resists, which she will, they’ll kill her to retrieve what she has .
When he’d shared such thoughts with Jefferson, the Deep Reach archaeologist had counselled distraction. ‘Try not to think about it,’ he’d said, ‘Sarah has made her bed, there’s nothing you can do, there’s nothing anyone can do to save her now, except maybe Sarah herself.’
Back in the now Riley broached the subject again. ‘I can’t let them take her, Jeff.’
Jefferson put his hand on Riley’s shoulder in a gesture of comfort and shared understanding.
‘When the time comes,’ Riley said, ‘can I count on your help?’
‘Ri, I’ll always back you, you know that, but don’t do anything stupid. These people won’t think twice about taking out anyone in their way, be that Terra Force or Silver. For us, they’re one and the same.’
‘I have to do something.’
‘We’ll figure it out when they get her back to base. In a few years things will have calmed down, she might get parole with good behaviour. She’ll never be allowed back in the SED, but she’ll be alive, and that’s better than the alternative, isn’t it?’
Riley grimaced, Jefferson knew as well as he did that Sarah wouldn’t make it out of the military prison for a third time. And Sarah had said it herself, ‘ They’ll lock me up and chuck away the key this time. Three strikes – I’m out .’
‘And besides,’ Jefferson said, continuing his ineffective pep talk, ‘they haven’t found her yet; she might make it out of Sanctuary. God knows how, but in the short time I’ve known her, if anyone can find a way, it’s her.’
Riley remained silent, deep in contemplation, while in the distance Samson’s men neared the far side of the enormous chasm.
‘It’s a goddamn witch-hunt,’ Riley said, growing angry. He looked behind at the formidable array of armoured troops on display. ‘She doesn’t stand a chance.’
A distant shout brought his focus back to the chasm. Zooming in with his visor, Riley saw the Anakim building breaking apart, and the three men who’d been sent across screamed as they were consumed by the falling mass that carried them into oblivion.
The cable spanning the colossal void stretched tight, dragged down by the massive weight of the structure that had torn loose on the opposite side.
‘It’s gonna go!’ someone shouted.
Shrieking in protest, the sound of failing metal ended as the cable snapped.
Jefferson knocked Riley sprawling to the floor as the severed cable tore past to decapitate those standing behind.
More screams filled the air and chaos reigned as people ran here and there trying to administer medical assistance to the injured few who’d survived the disaster.
Riley got to his feet and gazed at the carnage before him. Along with those that had lost their heads, some soldiers had been cut clean in two; the grisly sight was not for the faint of heart.
Through the carnage – parting a sea of Special Forces soldiers like Moses himself – strode the tall figure of Ophion Nexus, with Zhang Bai and nine other S.I.L.V.E.R. operatives in close attendance.
Samson cursed his luck. Suppressing an urge to lash out, he instructed the team in charge of the mortar canon to reload another grapple and to secure another cable. Busy with restoring
E. Lynn Harris, RM Johnson