(2/3) The Teeth of the Gale

(2/3) The Teeth of the Gale by Joan Aiken Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: (2/3) The Teeth of the Gale by Joan Aiken Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joan Aiken
husband. She retired to live with relatives here in Bilbao, accompanied by her three children, who are all under the age of nine. But last month, her renegade and ruffianly husband succeeded in escaping from Montjuich prison in Barcelona, where he had been incarcerated, and then managed to abduct the three little ones from their mother's care. He has absconded with them to some cave or ruin in the vicinity of Jaca, where his family formerly owned property. He has written a letter to his poor wife declaring that he will never give up the children, but will sooner put an end to his existence, and theirs too.'"
    "Good heavens!"
    "'Doña de la Trava, who has the deepest and most devoted attachment to her children, is, consequently, in terrible distress. She wrote appealing for help to her cousin, Sister Felicita (in the world formerly known as Señorita Juana Esparza).'"
    "I wonder why she did that," I said thoughtfully.
    It was true that Juana had been a most resourceful and redoubtable girl—none knew that better than I—but how, from her convent, could she possibly assist in the rescue of those unlucky children from some cave in Aragon?
    Grandfather continued reading: "'It appears that, for a portion of her life, Sister Felicita had the care of these young ones, knew them well, and was sincerely attached to them. Mère Madeleine, the Superior of the Convent in Bayonne, therefore gave her permission for Sister Felicita to travel from Bayonne to our House in Bilbao, where she is at present, in order that she might discuss the situation with her cousin, Doña de la Trava, and give advice.'
    "Conchita de la Trava," remarked my grandfather, pausing at this point and again looking at me over his glasses, "before her marriage was Conchita Escaroz, daughter of one of the richest mine owners in Bilbao."
    Grandfather always knew about families, who had married whom.
    "Oh, I see.
is why the Reverend Mother is being so obliging."
    "One of the reasons, perhaps. 'Sister Felicita, horrified, as we all are, at the plight of these poor innocent little ones, snatched off into the wilderness by a madman, has offered all the help in her power, and has been granted permission to travel to Jaca with her cousin, in case her intercession may be of use. Another nun, Sister Belen, will accompany her, but a male escort will also be necessary. Doña de la Trava's father is too old and unwell for such a mission; Sister Felicita therefore suggested that we appeal to you for the good offices of your grandson, Señor Felix de Cabezada y Brooke, who, I am informed, displayed the greatest possible enterprise, courage, chivalry, and resource upon a former occasion when he escorted Señorita Esparza (as she then was) across the Pyrenees and into the safekeeping of her uncle Señor Leon d'Echepara.'
Ay, ay
," commented my grandfather, breaking off to wipe his glasses and take a sip of chocolate, "they can pile on the compliments fast enough when they want to wheedle a favor out of you. While, at other times, they take the greatest delight in slamming a hammer down on your fingers."
    I reflected that, in his views on the clergy, Grandfather was not so far distant from the farmer this morning, coolly unleashing an avalanche upon the two travelers who might or might not be friars.
    "Do you think that I ought to go, Grandfather?"
    But of course, of course I would! My heart was bursting with joy and excitement.
I shall see her. I shall see her again!
sang its senseless refrain inside my head.
    "How could you possibly resist such an appeal?" said the Conde, raising his brows. He removed his spectacles, eyed me sharply, and inquired, "
did the young lady become a nun in the first place? Was she so very religious?"
    "No ... I do not think it was that. But she had had all those terrible experiences—abducted by the Mala Gente—nearly hanged—her own brother hiring assassins to kill her and being murdered himself; and there had been an aunt of hers, Laura,

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