3 The Braque Connection

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Book: 3 The Braque Connection by Estelle Ryan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Estelle Ryan
really happy you’re here.” She took a step closer. Uncertainty halted her movements, her need undisguised.
    “Oh, for goodness’ sake.” I took a few annoyed steps towards her. “Give me a hug then.”
    Relief, but mostly gratefulness drew her mouth and eyes into a smile. Logically I understood people’s need for physical closeness and hugging during times of distress. Practically, it overwhelmed my senses. Francine’s subtle, and undoubtedly expensive, perfume surrounded me as she gave me a strong hug. I had become more accustomed to Vinnie’s embraces and Colin’s romantic affection. Being hugged by a woman was a new experience for me. She was soft, yet strong. I found myself returning the hug. Soon enough she let go of me, wiping at her eyes.
    I turned to Phillip. He took both my hands in his and pressed them against his heart. “Don’t ever do this to me again.”
    “I didn’t…” My voice was so full of tears I had to stop talking. Phillip was the first person who had faith in me as an individual. My professors had had faith in my academic abilities, others had had faith in my expertise, but it was Phillip who had shown trust in me as a person seven years ago. For no logical reason he had taken me under his care after an accidental meeting in an art gallery. He had given me a job, given me carte blanche to do my job in my own way. He was a father to me.
    I swallowed hard, but a few tears rolled down my cheeks. I was not only feeling my own relief at being home, but observing the deep affection and relief on Phillip’s face elicited a fierce emotional response in me. He brought a warm hand to my cheek, gently wiping away tears. “We’ll leave you to shower and eat. Vinnie prepared a cold breakfast for you. We wanted to be here to greet you, but will give you time to regroup. As soon as you are ready, we will meet in the office to debrief. Is that acceptable?”
    I nodded, still not confident in my voice.
    Of everyone in my apartment, Phillip had known me the longest. It had only been in the last three years that our relationship had moved from strictly professional to a more personal level. In hindsight, I knew it had all been dependent on me. He had given me the time and space to come to him when I was ready. After seven years, he knew me well, but I knew him just as well, if not better. And this was why I knew that he had arranged this welcoming party to be short.
    A quick glance at Manny’s discontent confirmed my suspicions. Manny would have wanted to debrief us immediately, Vinnie would’ve wanted to get names to hunt down, and Francine would’ve wanted data to start an immediate online assault. Phillip was the one who knew I needed time to go through my familiar routine, to later meet in a familiar professional setting in order to regain my equilibrium. I squeezed his hands long and hard, knowing he would understand my unending gratitude .

Chapter FOUR
    “Ah, you’re here.” Phillip pushed away from the large, round table and stood up. It was strange to see him in the team room. I usually met with him in his office or he came to my viewing room. He lowered his head, studying me. “Are you refreshed?”
    “Yes, thank you.” It was only an hour and fifteen minutes since everyone had left my apartment. I had spent longer than usual under the shower, scrubbing with the strongest soap I had. Colin and I had quickly eaten, not speaking much. Both of us wanted to get to work and solve our mysterious abduction.
    “I’ll get Manny.” Francine’s make-up was perfect, no evidence of tears. She winked at me. “He went to make himself that horrid tea with milk.”
    When the president had asked us to form a special investigative team, Phillip had not only agreed, but had insisted on his high-end insurance company’s offices housing our activities. Within three weeks he had converted the two rooms next to my specialised viewing room to a large open workspace. Separating my viewing

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