52 - How I Learned to Fly

52 - How I Learned to Fly by R.L. Stine - (ebook by Undead) Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: 52 - How I Learned to Fly by R.L. Stine - (ebook by Undead) Read Free Book Online
Authors: R.L. Stine - (ebook by Undead)
couldn’t keep up with me. So I skated over to Jack’s house to show
him my new blades—and I saw him fly.”
    I stood up slowly.
    I faced Wilson. Ready to punch out his lights. I admit it. I was out of
    He had ruined my big moment. Ruined it.
    I wanted to punch him like a punching bag. But somehow I kept myself together. I clenched my fists until they ached.
    I had to find out exactly how he learned to fly. “So—you saw me.” I
narrowed my eyes. “Then what?”
    “Then I followed you to your garage. I saw you hide the book in the mattress.
And so I… borrowed it. And I followed the easy instructions.”
    He grinned at Mia. “I’m like a real superhero.” He puffed out his chest. “I
love it!”
    He turned back to me. “Hey, Jack! You can be my sidekick.”
    I DON’T WANT TO BE YOUR SIDEKICK, WILSON! I want to win. Just once. Just
once, I want to beat you.
    That’s what I thought—but I didn’t say it. I didn’t say anything. I just
stomped away.
    Face it, I told myself glumly as I headed out of the park. You’ll never beat
Wilson at anything.
    “Jack—come back!” Mia called. “I want to see you fly again.”
    No way, I thought. What was the point now? I kept walking.
    “Please, Jack!” Mia cried. “You looked so awesome up there. Please do
it again!”
    I stopped.
    Maybe I should fly for Mia. Impress her with some fancy flying maneuvers.
    Okay, I decided. I’ll fly one more time—to impress her.
    I took a deep breath. Then, with my arms stretched out in front of me, I
zoomed up. Up to the treetops.
    “Go, Jack! Go, Jack! Go, Jack!” Mia chanted, smiling and waving.
    I banked to the left and glided through a big fluffy cloud. When I broke
through the other side, Wilson was there to meet me.
    We flew side by side—looping, diving, then soaring back up. We matched
movement for movement—as if we’d practiced together a thousand times.
    Then Wilson swooped away from me.
    He rolled under me. Jetted behind me. Rolled under me again.
    “Yahoo!” I heard him scream from somewhere above me.
    I floundered in the air. I didn’t know where Wilson was. Where he was going
to turn up next.
    He circled me—like a mad bird.
    “Wilson!” I yelled. “Cut it out!”
    “Lighten up, Jackie!” he laughed.
    Then, he moved in front of me—blocking my path. Blocking my view.
    “Get out of the way!” I screamed. “I’m going to crash into you!”
    Wilson let out a roar, like a plane. Then took a steep dive. Now I could see.
    Too late.
    I smacked hard into a flagpole.
    I could hear Wilson’s cruel laugh as I tumbled to the ground.
    “Excellent landing, Jackie!” he called. He dropped easily to the grass in
front of Mia.
    Mia clapped and cheered.
    “Well, I have to go! I’m late for my tennis game. Want to come?” Wilson asked
    “I don’t play tennis,” I replied between clenched teeth.
    “Oh. I thought you did,” he said, puzzled. “Ray and Ethan told me you were
taking lessons. Well, got to go!”
    Wilson hurried off.
    “Jack—I want to fly too! Please teach me how to fly!” Mia begged.
    “I don’t know, Mia…” I started. “I wanted to keep this kind of secret. I
mean—nobody knows about it. Except you and Wilson. If we’re all flying
around Malibu, somebody will find out.”
    I hated to admit it, but I really didn’t want Mia to learn how to fly.
    “Jack! You have to show me how. It isn’t fair that you and Wilson can fly and
I can’t!” she wailed. “It isn’t fair!”
    Whoa. Wait a minute! I told myself. Maybe I should teach Mia how to
fly. If I’m the one to teach her, she’ll really be impressed. This
could be my big chance.
    “Okay,” I agreed. “I’ll teach you how to fly. Let’s go back to my house. We’ll get the flying book.”
    “Thank you! Thank you, Jack!” Mia was so excited, she hugged me.
    I led the way to our garage.
    “Oooh! I can’t wait!” Mia jumped with glee.
    I stopped in front of the garage door.
    “What are you waiting

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