6 Digit Passcode

6 Digit Passcode by Abigail Collins Read Free Book Online

Book: 6 Digit Passcode by Abigail Collins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Abigail Collins
that I can truly speak my mind around him. “But I’m afraid that I don’t have an answer for you. I didn’t cause your parents’ deaths. Only the person who did can tell you their reason for doing so.”
    Maybe they didn’t have a reason , I think. Maybe my parents were innocent. They did nothing to deserve what happened to them. Of all the things I do not know, that’s the one thing I am certain of.
    We walk halfway across the town before we arrive at what appears to be our destination. People on the streets don’t look twice at us, and I understand why – from a distance, Digits look exactly like humans. It’s only when you get close to one that you realize what you’re facing, and by then it’s too late.
    The building my escort leads me to is large and unassuming, made of dark brown bricks that are worn and cracked like they’ve been around for years without having ever been repaired. He opens the door for me, and I hesitantly step inside. I don’t know what to expect. I don’t even know what I’m here for. Is it a factory? Or maybe an office?
    But it’s not anything that I would have guessed. It’s a laboratory; or at least, a scaled-down version of one. There are several chairs positioned behind desks that form a circle around the center of the room. On each table is an electronic device that I do not recognize. There are a couple of computers, but they’re far more advanced than the ones I’ve used in school. And in the very center of the room is a circle painted on the floor, with wires and metal instruments attached to the ceiling above it and television monitors on each side.
    What am I doing here?
    “Don’t worry,” the Digit who brought me here tells me, resting one hand on my shoulder; it’s surprisingly light. “It’s just a few questions; think of it as a sort of test – like the ones you take in school. After you’ve finished, you can return to your life as normal.” He removes his hand and holds it out to me, stepping back and watching me until I take it. “We’re not all as bad as you might think. My name is Cyrus. It’s been a pleasure to meet you, Everly.”
    A shock flows through my arm as our hands touch, but I don’t think it has anything to do with the connection. His hand is cold and smooth, and it feels just like human skin, except a little bit tougher. I didn’t expect him to have a name. The only other Digits I know are my teachers, and they’re only referred to by letters of the alphabet. And Cyrus is such a normal name. It’s so… human.
    I don’t like this feeling. I don’t want to get to know him. I don’t want to like him. His kind is responsible for tearing apart my family; I don’t care if he wasn’t the one who did it personally. I’m starting to believe him when he says that he means me no harm, that he’s trying to help me. No, I can’t. He’s lying to me. He has to be.
    “You too,” I manage after a moment’s contemplation. It’s hard to stop myself from saying anything more.
    Cyrus leaves, and another Digit – this one a woman – approaches me. There are two more people in the room; both, I assume, are Digits, and both are men. They are seated in chairs near the corners of the room, typing so quickly I get a headache just looking at their hands.
    The woman is at least a head taller than I am, with long, curly brown hair and dull green eyes. Like most Digits, she’s thin, but she’s got the curves of a human female, with broad hips and a bust that puts mine to shame. Next to her, I feel like a little girl. I wonder how old she is. She could be twenty, or fifty, or one hundred, and there’s no way to tell just by looking at her.
    “Hello,” she says to me, her voice so sweet it irritates me. She smiles. “My name is Tesla. Oh! Are you surprised that we have names? There’s a lot more to us than you know. You’ll learn soon enough.”
    Tesla leads me to one of the desks and tells me to sit down. I do, even though all I really want

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