84 Ribbons

84 Ribbons by Paddy Eger Read Free Book Online

Book: 84 Ribbons by Paddy Eger Read Free Book Online
Authors: Paddy Eger
wasn’t starting out as she had hoped. “I have no dance clothes.”
    “Why not?”
    “The bus company lost them.”
    Twitters circled the dressing room.
    Madame struck her cane against a nearby bench. Marta jumped. “Borrow clothes or go home. Come early tomorrow and buy what you need from the dance mistress. You must dress professionally even if you are only in the corps.”
    “Yes, Madame.” Marta dipped her head like a scolded child. No welcome, no we’re glad you’re here, nothing but a chastising in front of the other dancers.
    Madame exited the room with her chin high, like a dancer exiting the performance stage.
    “Borrow my extras,” said a voice next to Marta.
    Marta turned.
    “I’ve extra clothes and ballet slippers, but no extra pointe shoes.” The girl who spoke had long, thick brown hair and hazel eyes. “I’m Lynne Meadows,” she said.
    “Hi. I’m Marta.”
    The girls nodded and smiled to each other. The other dancers closed their lockers and trailed out of the room.
    “Too bad about not getting the correct information and about your bags. Keep these as long as you need them.”
    Marta’s hands trembled as she changed into Lynne’s donations. “The last thing I need is Madame mad at me from the first day.”
    “Yeah, She’s a piece of work, all right.”  Lynne checked the wall clock. “Hurry. Only two minutes until practice resumes.”
    Marta followed Lynne into the rehearsal hall. At the doorway she paused to evaluate the space. The spartan room had a long wall of mirrors, a tall stool, an upright piano, and high, narrow windows where hot sunlight streamed in. Wooden barres lined two walls. The wooden floors gleamed, polished to a high luster. Miss Holland would have loved this huge space instead of her smaller room with a cement floor covered with linoleum.
    Dancer whispers continued until Damien Black, the man from her audition, entered. Dancers straightened and gave him their complete attention.
    “Good afternoon, boys and girls. Let’s get started, shall we?” He nodded toward Marta. “I see everyone has arrived. Good.”
    Marta felt heat move up her face as dancers focused on her before moving to a barre and standing in first position. Marta waited to see where Lynne stood. No sense standing at the wrong barre and being sent elsewhere. Dancers were picky about their spaces. Someday she’d have a space reserved by her position, just not soon.
    A cane-wielding Madame Cosper entered and moved with an irregular gait toward the stool and leaned against the seat. Silence filled the room floor to ceiling and wall to wall. “Ready, begin,” she said.
    The pianist kept his eyes on Madame Cosper, following her clapped tempo, playing the exercise music from memory. Another surprise. Back home Miss Holland used records; she didn’t have the luxury of a pianist. 
    “One, two, three, and four, backs straight, arms soft.  Pull your derrières under… tight-er, tight-er. Keep the beat, two, three, four.”
    Marta felt a tap on her leg. She stopped and turned. Madame pointed to her left foot. “Your ankle is rolling over. Fix it.”
    Marta nodded and adjusted. From the corner of her eye, she watched Madame circle the room and use her cane to tap offending arms, legs, backs, and heads. The thought of that cane tapping her again made Marta shudder. Criticism meant you were noticed; better than being ignored, maybe.
    After warm-ups and floor exercises, Damien led them through the Sleeping Beauty waltz. Thank heavens she remembered most of the choreography from her audition. Unfortunately, she danced off the beat. The more nervous she became, the more mistakes she made. Fingers, hands, arms, head angle, back, leg positions, room positions, tempo, choreography, and music cues. So much to think about.  Every time she turned the wrong way and bumped into dancers, Madame glowered and shook her head. Marta shook off her frustration and took a deep breath. Maybe smaller

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