A Demon Made Me Do It
not totally miss it, but oh my God,
why don’t you ever answer your phone at night? I tried calling you
like fifty times!” She stops to catch her breath, her chubby face
flushing pink.
    I furrow my brow. Corrine tends to be
dramatic sometimes, but this is a bit over the top. “Slow down…I
didn’t get sent home, I left. What happened? Is everything
    She raises both her eyebrows and
smiles wide, revealing two deep dimples and badly crooked teeth. I
begin turning the combination to my lock but she places both hands
on my shoulders and pivots my body around.
    “ That,” she whispers
breathlessly. “Isn’t it just lovely ? Ahhh…”
    I look to where a gaggle of girls has
clustered in the hallway. Correction, a gaggle of girls plus Kieron
standing in the middle, clearly loving the attention being plied on
him by half the cheerleading squad. Just as I expected.
    I look back at Corrine and roll my
eyes. “Really? That’s what’s got you so worked up…some guy?” I just
hope my face isn’t as pink as hers. Just seeing Kieron again, in
the flesh, affirming that he is real and not a figment of my
overactive and unreliable imagination makes my blood pump
furiously. I focus on lining up the numbers on my combination lock,
which is exceedingly difficult with shaky hands.
    She leans beside me and
cranes her neck to watch him. “Seriously, Liora, are you blind?
Have you not seen our selection of guys here, or should I say, lack
    “ So he’s cute. Big whoop.
For all you know he could be a world-class jerk.” I fumble through
my locker and try to remember what books I’ll need for first period
English. Although after what happened yesterday, I’m not sure it
will even matter. Mr. Sodenberg will probably kick me out the
second he sees me.
    Despite my best efforts, I
can’t help but peek in Kieron’s direction again. His dazzling smile
lights up the hallway and two more girls have joined his swarm of
admirers. “He seems like a total player,” I say and slam my locker
shut .
    Damn. I have to walk right
past him . I move
to Corrine’s other side so she can be a buffer as we head toward
Kieron and his expanding harem.
    “ He’s the hottest thing
that’s ever stepped foot in this town, if you ask me. And
he’s not a jerk.
He’s super polite…I accidentally bumped into him leaving chemistry
yesterday, and he actually said ‘ excuse
me’ and asked if I was okay!” Corrine can
barely contain her glee.
    “ Sounds like a real
gentleman.” I glance over my shoulder and glower as a pretty blonde
named Drusilla Van Vareen places her manicured hand on Kieron’s
arm. He says something to her and she laughs as if it’s the
funniest thing she’s ever heard. I try not to gag.
    As we get closer Corrine suddenly
stops walking. She looks at me, over to Kieron, then back to me.
“Hmm,” she says with a small smile, “I hadn’t noticed how similar
you two look. Like you could almost be related or
    I stare at her, dumfounded. Him: could
be a male super model. Me: not so much. “Um, clearly you need your
glasses checked.”
    She tosses her head and lowers her
voice. “It’s just a few things, like how you both have the same
black hair and blue eyes. That’s an unusual combination. And you
both have such distinguished features that are very symmetrical.
Course he’s a lot tanner and taller than you, but other than
    “ Casper the friendly ghost
is tanner than me,” I mumble. It’s true I’d noticed that his rich,
ebony hair was the same color as mine, but his eyes were definitely
a few shades darker.
    Corrine shrugs and resumes walking,
her head close to mine. “Anyways, there’s all sorts of stories
going around about him,” she continues, “Dawn Lewis told me she
heard he was an actor from LA out here doing research for a movie
role. Taylor McKenzie said he was here as part of the FBI witness
relocation program because his parents are wealthy European royalty
who are

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