A Family Homecoming

A Family Homecoming by Laurie Paige Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: A Family Homecoming by Laurie Paige Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laurie Paige
idea how ruthless the criminal mind could be, she might think she could scare the kidnappers away.
    â€œAre you going to report me if I’m not?”
    She returned his glare without blinking. A standoff. His Dani was a match for any man. He smiled. “I suppose I’m lucky I didn’t get shot when I turned up on your doorstep in the middle of a blizzard.”
    She retrieved her weapon and tucked it under her shirt once more. “If Sara hadn’t been present, I might have considered it.”
    A tendril of auburn hair had escaped the band she wore around her head. He fought an urge to brush it off her forehead. Where his wife was concerned, he had forfeited all rights to them as a couple. He wondered if he had been wrong not to tell her of the danger and to let her make the decision regarding their safety. But it was too late for that. He’d done what he thought was right. Why did it suddenly feel as if it might be wrong?
    â€œYou were right,” he said slowly. “It was easierto forget you and Sara existed than to think about you during the dark hours of the night. When this is over, I’ll get out of your life forever, if that’s the way it has to be.”
    â€œHow? You’re Sara’s father. Are you going to abandon her completely?”
    â€œWhen did you develop that razor tongue?” he asked quietly, then continued before she could come up with a retort, “I’ll expect visiting rights to Sara.”
    He headed for the kitchen, needing to put distance between them and the desires that raged through him. Only Dani could make him lose control, and he couldn’t afford that. He was pushed to the limit as need and futility knifed through him. He wished he could go back….
    Danielle stared after him. The fact that he had offered any explanation at all on his absence stunned her. Why, she thought in frustration, couldn’t he have explained himself two years ago? She would have accepted his decision for Sara’s sake. But he hadn’t even asked her. Maybe the danger had been a ready excuse because he’d been bored.
    She went to her room to put on some lipstick and a pair of sneakers. “I have to go to the library and do some work this morning,” she told him, entering the kitchen a few minutes later.
    â€œI’ll drive you. I need to run some errands. How long do you think you will be?”
    â€œUntil noon. I thought I’d pick up Sara and stop for lunch before coming home.”
    â€œI have some things to do in town. I’ll go with you.”
    The fake formality of the discussion bothered her.“I don’t need you to guard me. Sara is the one in danger.”
    â€œAnd you’re a direct link to her.”
    â€œI hadn’t looked at the situation in that light,” she admitted. “The kidnappers could follow me….”
    â€œExactly. Ready?”
    He led the way out the door, grabbing his parka as they left by the mudroom and went to the garage. The path had been shoveled.
    â€œYou’ve been busy this morning,” she murmured.
    He cast her an unreadable glance. His tone was cynical when he spoke. “As a long-term guest, I figured I may as well be useful.”
    A frisson swept down her back as she recalled times he had teased her about how useful a man was around the house. With that came other memories—long, lazy winter afternoons of football games and popcorn and lovemaking on the sofa in front of the fire, summer afternoons of hiking in the woods, of hidden meadows and a mossy bed.
    Heat followed the chill, making her feel feverish and dizzy. She put a hand to her temple. Maybe she was coming down with something.
    He stopped inside the garage and studied her. She couldn’t meet his gaze. Last night she’d had such terrible dreams filled with danger and with longing….
    â€œWhat are you thinking?” he asked.
    She shook her head. “Nothing important.”

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