A Graveyard for Lunatics

A Graveyard for Lunatics by Ray Bradbury Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: A Graveyard for Lunatics by Ray Bradbury Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ray Bradbury
middle of the far-left side of the commissary there was a small platform, no higher than a foot, on which stood a single table with two chairs. I often imagined the slavemaster of a Roman trireme warship seated there crashing down one sledgehammer, then another, to give the beat to the sweating oarsmen locked to their oars, obedient to panics, pulling for some far theatre aisle, pursued by maddened exhibitors, greeted on shore by mobs of insulted customers.
    But there never was a Roman galley coxswain at the table, leading the beat.
    It was Manny Leiber’s table. He brooded there alone, stirring his food as if it were the split innards of Caesar’s fortuneteller’s pigeons, forking the spleen, ignoring the heart, predicting futures. Some days he slouched there with the studio’s Doc Phillips, testing new philtres and potions in tapwater. Other days, he dined on directors’ or writers’ tripes as they glumly confronted him, nodding, yes, yes, the film was behind schedule! yes, yes, they would hurry it along!
    Nobody wanted to sit at that table. Often, a pink slip arrived in lieu of a check.
    Today as I ducked in and shrank inches wandering through the tables, Manny’s small platform place was empty. I stopped. That was the first time I had ever seen no dishes, no utensils, not even flowers there. Manny was still outside somewhere, yelling at the sun because it had insulted him.
    But now, the longest table in the commissary waited, half full and filling.
    I had never gone near the thing in the weeks I had worked in the studio. As with most neophytes, I had feared contact with the terribly bright and terribly famous. H. G. Wells had lectured in Los Angeles when I was a boy, and I had not gone to seek his autograph. The rage of joy at the sight of him would have struck me dead. So it was with the commissary table, where the best directors, film editors, and writers sat at an eternal Last Supper waiting for a late-arriving Christ. Seeing it again, I lost my nerve.
    I slunk away, veering off toward a far corner where Roy and I often wolfed sandwiches and soup.
    “Oh, no you
!” a voice shouted.
    My head sank down on my neck, which periscoped, oiled with sweat, into my jacket collar.
    Fritz Wong cried, “Your appointment is
here. March

    I ricocheted between tables to stare at my shoes beside Fritz Wong. I felt his hand on my shoulder, ready to rip off my epaulettes.
    “This,” announced Fritz, “is our visitor from another world, across the commissary. I will guide him to sit.”
    His hands on my shoulders, he forced me gently down.
    At last I raised my eyes and looked along the table at twelve people watching me.
    “Now,” announced Fritz, “he will tell us about his Search for the Beast!”
    The Beast.
    Since it had been announced that Roy and I were to write, build, and birth the most incredibly hideous animal in Hollywood history, thousands had helped us in our search. One would have thought we were seeking Scarlett O’Hara or Anna Karenina. But no… the Beast, and the so-called contest to find the Beast, appeared in
and the
Hollywood Reporter
. My name and Roy’s were in every article. I clipped and saved every dumb, stillborn item. Photographs had begun to pour in from other studios, agents, and the general public. Quasimodos Numbers Two and Three showed up at the studio gate, as did four Opera Phantoms. Wolfmen abounded. First and second cousins of Lu-gosi and Karloff, hiding out on our Stage 13, were thrown off the lot.
    Roy and I had begun to feel we were judging an Atlantic City beauty contest somehow shipped to Transylvania. The half-animals waiting outside the sound stages every night were something; the photographs were worse. At last, we burned all the photographs and left the studio through a side entrance.
    So it had been with the search for the Beast all month.
    And now Fritz Wong said again: “Okay. The Beast?

    I looked at all those faces and said: “No. No, please. Roy and I will be

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