A Hero's Heart

A Hero's Heart by Sylvia McDaniel Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: A Hero's Heart by Sylvia McDaniel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sylvia McDaniel
warm her. But he wasn’t sure if she shivered with cold or fright, and the thought of her soft curves against him rejuvenated the passion he’d thought had disappeared.
    “Are you sure you don’t want to try this union of ours, like a real marriage?” he asked mockingly.
    Rachel gasped, her parasol coming up between them. She put the tip of it in Wade’s chest and gave a slight push. “Don’t even think about it, Mr. Ketchum. No kisses. No touching. Nothing. Am I making myself perfectly clear?”
    “Don’t make promises you can’t keep, Rachel,” Wade said, his voice deep and low.
    In the twilight, her eyes smoldered. “I’m not, Mr. Ketchum. We’ll sleep together, but you will not have the privileges of a husband.”
    Wade noted the stubborn set of her chin. “We’ll see.”
    “If you want to find some saloon girl along the trail to take care of your baser needs, go right ahead. It won’t bother me,” she said her voice indignant.
    Wade frowned. “Saloon girls don’t tempt me like you do.”
    Rachel shrugged her shoulders. “As long as you understand I’m not taking their place.”
    He pushed back his hat. When was the last time a man had courted the preacher’s daughter? Maybe it was time someone showed her what really went on between a man and woman.
    Maybe pretending to be married to Rachel wasn’t going to be as easy a job as he’d first suspected. If he made it all the way to Oregon without touching this woman, then he’d have done more than earn his four hundred dollars.
    “So when do we start this game?” Wade asked, trying to stop his treacherous thoughts.
    “The sooner, the better. I’m sure Becky will be upset I didn’t tell her, and I’ll need to reassure the children,” Rachel replied, her voice shaky. “But more than anything, we’ll need to talk to Mr. Jordan.”
    “Are you sure you can lie and play this game all the way to Oregon, Rachel?” Wade asked.
    Rachel cast him a sharp stare. “What choice do I have?”
    At the edge of camp, they stopped and watched the tranquil scene. Grace sat, her doll at her side, as Toby taught her the intricacies of checkers. Daniel chased moths around the fire, his toddler’s steps awkward and unsure. Becky sat close to the flames, sewing in hand.
    The complexity of what he’d agreed to struck Wade. Escorting a load of gold would have been easier than taking on the responsibilities of seeing two women and three children across the mountains safe and sound.
    Rachel gazed at the children and sighed. “I swore on Papa’s grave I would get them to Oregon, that I would help his church.” She looked at Wade. Her full lips were tightly drawn. Her chin had a determined set. “God forgive me. But yes, Wade Ketchum, I can pretend to be your wife, if it will get us to Oregon.”

    Chapter Five
    “Y ou’re what?” Becky screeched, her voice piercing the night air. She laughed, a high contemptuous sound, as the fire flickered shadows across her face. “What kind of trick are you playing, Mr. Ketchum? Rachel would never marry a man like you.”
    “It’s true, Becky,” Rachel interrupted.
    A quick glance at Wade confirmed her worst fears. Mischief sparkled from his eyes, provoking Becky’s ire. His arm snaked around Rachel’s shoulders, clasping her close to him.
    “I know it’s hard to believe, Becky, but after the other night, we decided it was best we marry,” Wade said.
    A coyote howled in the distance, and Rachel wanted to echo its sentiments. Who did Wade think he was fooling? Becky would never believe this ridiculous story. Rachel pinched the inside of Wade’s arm in silent warning.
    He glanced down at her, his green eyes twinkling with laughter. “She swept me right off my feet.”
    Rachel resisted the urge to swipe the mocking smile from his lips and quiet his forked tongue. Couldn’t he see he was only making the situation worse by feeding Becky this yarn? And from the skeptical scowl on her face, Becky wasn’t

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