A Hope Beyond

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Book: A Hope Beyond by Judith Pella Read Free Book Online
Authors: Judith Pella
Tags: FIC042030
know full well it has sparked more than one altercation between the canal workers and those of the B&O.”
    “Yes, I have heard.”
    “But there was no other logical place to build, and when the agreements were finally ironed out and the B&O allowed to build along the Potomac and beside the canal, the arrangement said that we were to build a high board fence along the entire passage between Point of Rocks and Harper’s Ferry.”
    “I suppose the expense would be a hardship—”
    “The expense was only a minor consideration,” Latrobe interjected. “To close the passageway off in that manner would make the railroad into a great ditch, and the snow and soil would wash into it from the surrounding hillsides. The tracks would never survive, and the trains would forever be halted and unable to proceed forward without some repair or adjustment being made.”
    “I hadn’t imagined.”
    “Well, it is resolved now. The canal officials agreed to a compromise. We will only be required to build a few miles of post and rail fencing where the banks are particularly steep. These are areas where a sudden appearance of a locomotive might well turn disastrous for both parties. We’re paying the canal two thousand seven hundred dollars to put the thing into place, and now everyone is happy. It was an answer to prayer.”
    “Truly?” James couldn’t believe that he’d asked the question aloud.
    Latrobe smiled. “Truly. I firmly believe God is in every detail of the B&O’s development.”
    “I suppose that is quite possible,” James answered honestly. “There have been numerous obstacles that have slowed down the progress, but always it seems some minor detail is overlooked. Then when found, the problems seem to work themselves out in one form or another.”
    “Exactly. I believe in divine intervention, my dear James. God’s hand is upon the B&O as surely as is ours. Many folks might doubt His interest in mankind’s meager attempts to tame the land, but not I. I know He is with us, and I know He will see it through.”
    James wished he could believe as enthusiastically as Ben. He wished that sometime in his life God might have revealed himself to be a guiding force. Now, with so many problems in his life, problems of his own making, James wasn’t sure God would even care to deal with him.
    I’ve made a real mess of things, he thought. Without a doubt, I’ve strayed from the master plan.

First Kiss
    The grand ballroom of Gadsby’s Hotel was full to overflowing with swirling, colorful dancers. Overhead, crystal chandeliers lighted the room, and beneath the many pairs of slippered and booted feet the polished wood floors gleamed with mirrorlike reflections. The annual Christmas charity ball was held on behalf of the hospital, and from the look of it, Carolina guessed it to be a tremendous success. For years, her mother had been on the committee with Edith Baldwin in the planning of this grand occasion. It was the party that began the Washington Christmas social season, and it always set the tone for the months to come.
    Carolina wished that her mother could have been a part of this year’s celebration. It might have done her some good to busy herself with something other than tending Penny and mourning over the loss of Mary.
    “Are you having a good time?” Hampton asked her and pulled her closer to keep in step with the waltz they were dancing.
    Carolina found to her surprise that she truly was having fun. “Yes. This is a very pleasant party.”
    Hampton smiled, breaking the stern expression he’d worn for most of the evening. Carolina hadn’t made it easy on him at all. From the moment he had first helped to hand her into the carriage, she’d shared hardly more than a noncommittal nod to his conversation. In fact, she’d conversed more with her slave Miriam, who acted as chaperone, than with Hampton.
    “You truly are the most beautiful woman here,” he commented against her ear. “That gown is positively

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