A McCree Christmas (Chasing McCree)

A McCree Christmas (Chasing McCree) by J.C. Isabella Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: A McCree Christmas (Chasing McCree) by J.C. Isabella Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.C. Isabella
figured with you along it would be easier for him.”
    “Oh, we had a great flight. Penny was even allowed on the plane with us since she’s so little.” Briar patted the little blond spaniel I had tucked under my arm.
    My mom held out her arms for her and planted a kiss on her fuzzy head. “Such a sweet baby.”
    Todd grinned. “Hey, Amy, come see what Chase and Briar brought you for Christmas.”
    My little sister peeked shyly around the kitchen door. Her pigtails had red and green ribbons in them. She looked at all of us, but then her gaze zeroed in on the puppy, and her shyness was completely forgotten. “For me?”
    My mom held Penny out. “Yes, isn’t she sweet? She loves you.”
    Penny licked her face and yapped excitedly. Amy set her on the wood floors and she followed her around the house, playing chase with her around the staircase and into the living room.
    “I think it’s a good match.” Todd nodded, watching them with a big smile. “I only hope Amy will be okay sharing him.”
    I eyed my stepfather, and then looked at my mother’s pink cheeks.
    “Chase, you’re going to be a big brother again!”
    “You’re having a baby?” Briar clapped and hugged my mom. “That’s wonderful!”
    “Congratulations.” I gave Todd a hug, and kissed my mom on the cheek.
    “It seems we’re destined for girls,” my mom said, winking at Todd. “I found out yesterday it’s a girl, and I already know what I’m going to name her.”
    This seemed to be news to Todd and he waited, cocking his head and rubbing his chin. “You’ve decided?”
    My mom nodded. “Abigail, after your mother. We’ll call her Abby for short.”
    “My mom’s going to like that.” He grinned. “Abby and Amy. Sounds good to me.”
    We went into the kitchen to help prepare lunch, but instead of sitting at the table, we gathered in the living room to watch Amy play with Penny. It really was a good match. The family was coming together, and really connecting. It felt real and good. The only thing that would make this Christmas better, would be Briar’s parents setting aside their vain ways and embracing the love and happiness we all felt.
    One day, I hoped it would happen—that we could all be together.
    I knew i t would take a miracle, though.

    Being at Chase’s mother’s house was much more comfortable than being at my own. His mother was really starting to warm up to me. Last time I saw her—the Fourth of July—she was all for me packing my bags and heading home. She didn’t want me to make the same mistake she had by becoming a rancher’s wife. But I wasn’t making a mistake. I knew what Chase’s life was like, and I loved it. Unlike her. She’d been out of her element since the first day she stepped on McCree property. It had only been a matter of time before she got sick of it and left.
    We had a nice lunch with his parents. I got his mother and stepfather a package to a spa my mother loved for a day of relaxation. Chase and I got tickets to Disney from them. Amy loved her new puppy.
    All in all, it was a great day, and that night we had a pretty good dinner with Grandma and Grandpa. Everything was really good.
    Except for that darn turkey.
    Grandma was so proud of it, she didn’t want to save it for Christmas. She was set on serving it early and having a ham instead. She had been so excited about her concoction that I couldn’t disappoint her by not choking down some of it.
    Much to our surprise—and shock—the turkey didn’t turn out half bad. It was very moist, and Chase went back for seconds. Everyone loved it.
    “I am so excited!” Grandma had cleared us out of the dining room to sit around the tree in the family room. It was a white tree with a string of green lights and homemade ornaments we’d crafted over the years. Some were made of yarn and Popsicle sticks, other’s out of clay we’d put in the oven and painted.
    Grandma loved to make homemade decorations, but she also loved

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