A Moonlit Night

    “Faster!” shouted a woman, looking out the
passenger window. “I can’t see anyone, but they’re out there!”
    The car sped through the forest, winding down
a long dirt road. The rain was pouring, turning dirt to mud as the
vehicle swerved all over the mucky road.
    “I’m trying, damn it!” said the man beside
her, as he desperately tried to maintain control of the sedan.
“Amanda, if I go any faster, we’re both going to be dead.”
    Amanda turned to him, and with a look of
sorrow, she said, “And if we go any slower, we’re both going to be
    The car squealed, spewing dirt and stones
everywhere, as he pushed the car harder.
    She looked outside the car, her eyes darting
through the trees as she watched the dark figures stalk them from
high above. They were fast and easily managed to overtake the
speeding car.
    “They’re upon us!” screamed Amanda, pointing
out the window. “Jason, look out—!”
    A silhouette dropped to the ground in front
of them, and Jason swerved to avoid him. The car veered off the
road, and went sliding down a small hill.
    He desperately tried to evade the trees as
the car plummeted downwards. The car crashed into a large oak tree,
and the couple violently smashed into the dashboard.
    The only sound Jason could hear was the
pouring rain hitting the roof of the vehicle as he slowly opened
his eyes. He looked over to his wife, and said, “Honey, are you
    Amanda groaned, and she too, slowly opened
her eyes. Her forehead had been sliced open, and the blood streamed
down her nose.
    “I—I think I’ll be okay,” said Amanda, apply
pressure to the wound. “We need to get out of here.”
    Jason tried to open the car door, but it was
pinned against a large rock, and wouldn’t budge. Smacking on the
car door, he said, “Damn it! They’ll be here soon—.”
    “We already are,” hissed one of the dark
figures, approaching from the blackness. “Come now…did you really
think you could run from us?”
    The shrouded man lunged at the car, smashing
through the windshield with his bare hands.
    One by one, several more dark figures dropped
from the trees, surrounding the crashed vehicle.
    “Stay back!” warned Amanda, her hands
trembling in fear. “Come any closer and it will be the last thing
you do!”

Chapter One

    Emily Johansson pushed her way through the
sea of people, the aroma sweat and alcohol overwhelming her senses
as she headed towards her table. This wasn’t Emily’s scene, she
thought, but her friends had invited her out, a celebration of
recent good news, and she wasn’t going to ruin this for them.
    Several men tried to beckon her with their
eyes, as Emily ran her fingers through her long black hair. She
smiled, brushing off their advances, as she approached her
    “Oh, c’mon now sis,” complained her brother,
waving a shot of alcohol in her face. “One drink isn’t going to
kill you. You’re the first Johansson to ever go to College. You
can’t hold out on me now.”
    Steven Johansson was a couple years older
than Emily, with short blonde hair and a trimmed beard. He was
built like a truck, a result of years of patience and determination
when it came towards his fitness.
    “You worked your butt off at night school,
Emily,” continued Steven, still holding the shot glass of vodka in
her face. “You owe yourself this.”
    “Yeah, Emily,” said another one of her
friends at the table. “We’ve been friends our entire lives. And now
you’re leaving me for the big city? What, Georgetown isn’t big
enough for you? Screw yourself, you owe me this. Let
loose…just this once.”
    Julia Hendrickson had known Emily since
kindergarten, and the two had quickly become best of friends. She
had long golden blonde locks that curled down her shoulders, and a
smile that could light up a room.
    Julia’s high school sweetheart, Tyler Aucoin,
was also with them. A handsome man, he was the only man that a
woman like Julia could have

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