was closer to her now than at any time since they had met,
hovering over her, the menacing look more plain to see on
his face. The scar running from his left eye to the corner of
his mouth made him look fierce.
'I have been informed that you will not join me for
the meals, Señorita. Can I ask why not?' His voice cold,
while his eyes took in the interior of the cabin.
'I will not eat with you, a pirate.' Defiance was in
her own cold voice. 'I don't want to discuss this any further.
Please leave my room.' She turned away from him, peering
out the porthole to the open sea, and continued brushing her
She did not see the amused look that was followed
by a stern one as he spoke 'It is not a matter of what you
want, Señorita. You will sit at my table and that is final!'
'Make me,' she said through clenched teeth.
'All right, if this is how you want to play it, I am
fine with that. Good day.' He nodded but she did not bother
to turn around to notice.
When he left, she let out her breath. She had not
even realized that she was holding it. This man will learn
that I am not very willing or easy to please. I will give him
hell! She braided her long hair with trembling fingers.
The day went on without any further disturbances
and she kept herself busy with needlework, sitting near the
port for extra light, but for some reason she did not see
Enrico again. By late afternoon, she finally decided to call
for him and pulled the cord. Her throat was dry and she was
hungry. She had not eaten last night after the news they had
received. This morning she was already gone before
breakfast was served.
A few minutes later Enrico entered her room.
'Where is my food? I had nothing to drink or eat for
the whole day,' she asked, annoyed, forgetting her manners.
'I received strict instruction that no food or drink
may be delivered to you, Señorita.'
'Well I never!' and she stamped her foot on the floor
in anger. She sneaked a look at the young man, on whom it
had no effect, and she wondered for a moment if this was
the best route to take. She was determined not to cave in.
'Can I at least have water?' she asked demurely.
'No,' came the abrupt reply.
'That conceited man. How dare he?' she shouted.
'He is the captain. When he speaks, we listen,
'Is that right?' she asked in a sarcastic tone. 'Where
is he?'
'In his quarters, eating, Señorita.'
'Take me to him,' she demanded.
'Follow me, Señorita.' Enrico kept his eyes cast
down, not meeting her angry stare.
The captain's cabin lay two doors down the
passageway. When she walked in, he sat lazily at his table
eating a peach, his stern eyes looking straight at her as if he
had expected her.
'I understand from my chamber boy that I will not
be served any meals?'
'That is correct. Did you change your mind?'
'No, but it is inhuman. How dare you not give me
anything? Not even water?'
'Because I am the captain and this is my ship,' He
said nonchalantly and placed a slice of fruit in his mouth.
For a moment she was at a loss for words, her fists
white as she clenched them. She could physically harm him
by now.
'I must point out that this is my father's ship, Señor,
and not yours.'
'Point taken, but I am the captain, therefore my
'You are a bastard!' She stamped out of the room,
the fabric of her dress rustling with her anger.
'How long do you think she will hold out?' Pierre,
his second-in-command, asked.
'Don't know, but it will be interesting to see.'
Roberto placed another piece of the juicy fruit in his mouth,
eating it slowly, while a smile appeared on the normally
stern face.
'She has a lot of spunk,' Pierre continued with a
lopsided grin.
'Yes. She is a real wildcat. It will be interesting to
tame her. I have all the time in the world. She will come
around and see that in this world there is only one law that
counts. That is mine.'
Pegging the knife in his table, he stood straight,
Steve Miller, Sharon Lee and Steve Miller