A Promise Between Friends

A Promise Between Friends by Carol Rivers Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: A Promise Between Friends by Carol Rivers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carol Rivers
she walked into your cave!’
    Ruby wasn’t sure if Larry was serious or not. Marianne saw her doubtful expression and took her arm. ‘Take no notice of these men, chérie. I’m afraid you are in
disreputable, but adorable company. You see, here in Bohemia, anything goes!’
    Ruby giggled. She stood still, swaying a little, moving her hips from side to side as she drank her cocktail. This was such a different world to hers.
    And she was loving it.
    It was towards midnight when Ruby noticed a hush in the room. ‘It’s Lady Granger,’ Stuart told her as he placed yet another cocktail in her hand. She watched
intrigued as Larry met the latecomer and her escort, carefully slipping the fur stole from the older woman’s shoulders. She had short, grey-blonde hair and her slight figure was tightly
encased in a slim black gown. But it was the young man she was with who took Ruby’s attention. He was extremely handsome, with coffee-coloured skin, fine features and short black curly hair.
For a moment their eyes met across the room.
    ‘Are they married?’ Ruby asked Stuart.
    ‘No, she has a husband, albeit an absent one.’ Stuart sighed. ‘Johnnie Dyer is rather a dish, don’t you think? But I would never be tempted away from Larry.’ Stuart
gave a sudden tinkling laugh.
    Ruby had grown to accept that Larry and Stuart were romantically involved. They made no secret of it and she admired them for that. They had taken her under their wing after Pete’s death
and were always there for her if she needed to talk.
    Ruby glanced again at the couple. They were certainly the most intriguing guests of all. Lady Granger must be very rich, she decided. Did her husband know about Johnnie?
    A few minutes later, Ruby felt a little light-headed. She guessed the cocktails were having an effect. So she found herself a small space on a sofa and sank down. This type of partying was
exciting but also very exhausting!
    ‘There you are!’ Kath said, flopping down beside her.
    Ruby giggled. ‘Yes, here I am. But where are you?’ She waved her hand. ‘No, I mean, where were you?’
    Kath pointed a crooked finger. ‘Ruby Payne, you’re tipsy.’
    ‘So are you,’ Ruby spluttered.
    Kath hiccuped and frowned under her fringe. ‘I wish tonight would go on forever.’
    ‘So do I.’
    ‘Is it midnight? Has our coach arrived?’
    Ruby kept a straight face. ‘Bernie’s car might turn into a pumpkin.’
    They burst into laughter. Ruby thought how funny it would be when Bernie had, somehow, to get them home at the end of the evening.
    When Ruby woke up the next morning, she couldn’t remember the drive home at all. Thank goodness, she didn’t appear to have a hangover from hell. But she did have a
raging thirst.
    ‘Could you pour me some water?’ Kath croaked from the single bed, as Ruby hauled herself up from the bed-settee and stumbled to the sink.
    ‘People say you should have a hair of the dog,’ Ruby mumbled as she filled two tumblers. She shakily made her way back to Kath. ‘But we’ve only got sherry.’
    Kath took the tumbler. ‘You look as though you’ve had a night out on the tiles. Do you know you’ve only got your bra and knickers on?’
    Ruby looked down at her full, rounded figure. ‘Well, it’s better than me birthday suit.’ She nodded to Kath’s naked shoulders. ‘And you’re almost
    Kath peeked under the eiderdown and giggled. ‘Oh, so I am.’
    ‘Can I get in with you? It’s taters out here.’
    Kath threw back the cover and, careful not to spill the water, Ruby climbed in. There was no room to move in the single bed. But it was much warmer snuggled together.
    Ruby laughed. ‘This is nice.’
    ‘It’s almost worth the hangover.’
    ‘We don’t have to get up as it’s Sunday.’
    Kath sighed. ‘That’s lucky because I couldn’t face the factory.’
    ‘How many gin and sins did we drink?’
    ‘I didn’t count. I was too busy talking to Penny. She lives up the road at Mile

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