A Quill Ladder

A Quill Ladder by Jennifer Ellis Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: A Quill Ladder by Jennifer Ellis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Ellis
creeping disability. But Jake still glowed with youthful good health. Perhaps camels weren ’ t always taken out by disease. Perhaps a car was scheduled to hurtle down the street at the wrong time, or Jake would turn away in response to a noise just as a fly ball shot through the air toward his head. She couldn ’ t believe that nobody had told him yet, that they seemed content to use him and leave Abbey to patch together some sort of fix to save his life. Assuming they even cared if Jake ’ s life was saved. March ninth was still a long way off, but what if saving him meant acting now?
    “ And are you going to help them? ” she said.
    “ I ’ m still trying to sort through who ’ s on what side. They ’ re still at the asking stage. They haven ’ t gone to threats and demands yet. But they probably will. They seem to want to keep everything quiet for now. I imagine throwing the Patronus charm around town would generate some questions, so that buys me some time. ”
    “ It wouldn ’ t make sense to use the Patronus, ” Abbey said automatically before she realized how stupid that sounded. “ You don ’ t actually think they can do something like that, do you? ”
    “ I don ’ t know what they can do. I ’ m wondering if maybe I shouldn ’ t just disappear. ”
    “ What, you mean run away? You can ’ t do that. ” She wondered if perhaps someone was following Jake and tried to shift her eyes around the alleyway as casually as possible.
    Jake pulled his coat collar up tight around his neck as if he too had the feeling they were being watched. “ I dunno. But this seems like it could get ugly and dangerous fast. I don ’ t want my family involved. ”
    Abbey reached her hand up to touch his arm, like she would with Caleb or Simon, but then snatched it away. “ Don ’ t just take off. My parents can help you. You don ’ t have to get involved. Who are the others who came to see you? ”
    “ Sylvain, of course. Mantis, I mean. And then there ’ s this woman and two men. They didn ’ t introduce themselves, but they were a bit creepy. Said they were part of the Guild, whatever that is, as if I should have known. ”
    “ Did Mantis ever pay up for your help? ”
    “ Yup, he did. Pretended he was taking an interest in the family, supporting my athletic career and the need for good restaurants in Greenhill. It was a load of crap, but my Mom and Dad bought it. ”
    “ Do you think he ’ s evil? ”
    Jake gave a faint smile. “ I don ’ t know. He sure gave me a good story about wanting to help your brother in the future. I don ’ t think he ’ s going to win the citizen of the year award any time soon, but I ’ m not sure if he ’ s evil . ”
    The wind picked up and swirled a collection of small wrappers and dust through the air in funnels toward them. Abbey turned away to avoid being hit in the eyes by the grit. Her exposed knuckles felt chapped and cracked in the late fall air.
    Jake looked back at her. “ I better go. ” He reached into his pocket and extracted a small white envelope. Lesson One was inscribed on it in flowing script. “ The guy in the beret, Ian, with the Franks, asked me to give you this. He said I could join in on the lessons if I helped him. But I ’ m not sure if I want to learn any of this stuff. I kind of liked my life before all this. He said that if I learned it, I would be unbeatable on the field. A few weeks ago, I thought I was good enough to make it to the majors on my own. The thing I hate about this is now I ’ m starting to doubt that. I ’ m starting to think maybe I need the help. It ’ s like I ’ ve just realized that I ’ m going to have to start doping to make it. ”
    Abbey nodded. She knew what Jake was talking about. She grasped the envelope and shoved it into her pocket.
    “ So, will you stay in touch? ” she said.
    Jake nodded slowly, his expressive eyes wide and anxious, and then turned and walked down the alleyway, his hands thrust in his

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