A Reason to Stay

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Book: A Reason to Stay by Delinda Jasper Read Free Book Online
Authors: Delinda Jasper
clenched so tight he felt as if he’d been punched. This couldn’t all be over so quickly. He needed the rest of the day with her. Hell, he needed the rest of his life with her, but right now he’d take what he could get.
    Ellie’s smile widened and Jake’s stomach unclenched and his heart did a flip-flop. Damn! Would her smile always make him feel like he was floating? He sure as hell hoped so.
    "Okay, we’ll talk later," Ellie said. "Right now I need to take a shower; I’m smelly and my hair is scary. And you are going to fix me breakfast."
    "Well, how can I refuse such a polite order? How does a nice fluffy western omelet smothered in cheese sound?"
    Ellie’s grin was impish. "With toasted cinnamon-raisin bread?"
    Jake laughed heartily, "You aren’t demanding, are you? Of course with toasted cinnamon-raisin bread."
    Ellie laughed and started off towards the bathroom, squealing when Jake stepped on the edge of the sheet, causing it to slip off, giving him a full view of her naked body. She blushed at his openly appreciative look and hurried into the bathroom.
    After she’d left the room, Jake pulled on a pair of shorts and headed downstairs to make breakfast.
    He quickly threw together two delicious omelets. As he began slicing the homemade cinnamon-raisin bread, his thoughts drifted back to Ellie. She knew him so well. That was one reason he loved her so much. No other woman would know that there was always fresh raisin bread in his house. Growing up, his mother had made it for him every week. He was the only one in the house that would eat it, but she made two loaves every Saturday. He loved the stuff so much that when he’d bought this house, his mother had bought him a bread maker and taught him how to make it himself.
    Only Ellie knew that. A pain shot through him. He couldn’t lose her. She was his best friend, the only person who truly knew him. Not to mention the fact that he’d had the best sex of his life last night. He was going to have to tell her how he felt. Even if it meant moving to Chicago, he would do it. He would do anything to make Ellie his wife. Now he just had to ask her. Jake was buttering the toast when he heard Ellie come down the stairs, enter the living room and call out, "I’m going to call the moving company to reschedule." He didn’t answer. He didn’t want to think about her leaving. He continued getting the breakfast together.
    A few minutes later she called out from the living room again. "Jake, I need a pen and paper to write this stuff down."
    "In the desk, top drawer," he called back, automatically. Picking up the plates of omelet and toast, he headed towards the kitchen table. He froze in his tracks. The desk. "Ellie, wait—" he yelled, but it was too late.
    He heard her voice, strained and bewildered, from the other room, "What the hell?"
    "Oh, shit." he muttered. The plates hit the table with a loud clatter, spilling egg and cheese and toast as he dropped them and ran towards the living room.
    Her world was crashing down around her. She’d tried with all her might to look at last night with a logical mind. She’d kept telling herself that one night would be enough, that she would take the memory of their lovemaking with her and not wish for more. But, now, at this very moment, she knew her heart hadn’t been listening. Deep in her heart she’d been secretly hoping that Jake would wake up this morning having magically seen the light and fallen in love with her.
    She’d been a fool. Jake might be in love with someone, but it sure as hell wasn’t her. She was holding the proof of that in her hand.
    Ellie choked back the sobs that threatened to overtake her. The deep sadness that filled her was a bottomless pit. It was hard to believe she’d been happier than she thought possible just fifteen minutes before.
    She had even sung in the shower. Even with the storm raging outside, the sun had

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