A Rose Between the Thornes
and hoped he did not know.
    “Nat. And how do you know ‘tis I?” He sounded genuinely interested. “People know neither our voices nor our features apart.”
    “I do,” she said positively. “You eyes give you away in your features , and your cadence in your speech. As I cannot see your eyes, I listened, and knew by your voice.”
    There was silence. What was happening? She heard a groan, a quiet laugh, and then she was swinging through the air, a hand caressing her naked arse, as she felt her body put over one hard male shoulder.
    “Waaa? Put me down, what are you doing?” Her ankles may be tied but she could drum them hard on a hard male chest. “Stop it, Jasper, for if Nathaniel is injured ‘tis you who is subjecting me to this indignity.” Once more she moved her feet. Immediately they were held firmly. Before she had time to recover from that shock her arse was soundly spanked. Twice on each cheek.
    Sophia gasped and tried to ignore the gush of arousal that flowed into her. Her heart beat erratically, and the fine hairs on her arms stood on end. “How dare you. Unhand me this instant.” Her voice was nowhere near as steady as she would have liked.
    “Oh, we dare, my love.” Again she felt the sting of his hand on her, and to her dismay, she felt her juices gather.
    Jasper laughed. “You like that. I can feel your agreement as you dampen my hand.” His finger slipped between her legs and touched her nub. “Are you wet and wanting, Rose? Ready to feel us in you?”
    Her body slid down his, and judging by the hard cock she rubbed over, he was more than ready.
    “Sadly, that delight need wait.”
    Dammit is he a mind reader as well?
    “Will you give me your word not to move from where I put you, whilst I go to help Nat?” he asked.
    She hesitated. The fact he would trust her made her be truthful. Because he did it changed her intended course of action. “No,” she said baldly. “But I give you my oath, I will not run, hide, or seek help until I have looked at Nathaniel’s wound. As I also promise not to do anything to hinder his progress. But not to move? It can not be so. I am stiff, tired, and bloody angry. Of course I will move. Now remove my blindfold, untie me or not, as you choose, but let us move forward and end this charade.”
    What would he do? Sophia held her breath, and felt he did the same.
    “Soon,” he said finally. “Trust me for one more short period, love, and then we will all be open and free with each other.”
    Ha, he thought she’d believe him? Sophia had no belief in fairytales. “Why not now?” she demanded. She heard his sigh, it seemed heartfelt.
    “Because I am in charge. You chose to agree, and eventually find out all we can be together. As we do not know how you will choose...” He stopped speaking.
    Sophia lost her patience. If they still mistrusted me what hope had they?
    “My lords, I have been open and honest. I will not tell a lie. And until I have checked Nathaniel’s wound I will be all compliance,” she said. “Unless you decide to take my instruction further, and choose not to tell me how and why. Then I assure you I will rebel. I may be interested and intrigued, but not in ignorance.”
    The silence to her while still unsighted was unnerving. As she supposed it was meant to be. In spite of the butterflies in her stomach, and the spiders crawling up her spine, she refused to be the first one to speak.
    Hands brushed the nape of her neck, and Sophia blinked as the covering was removed from her eyes. She looked about with interest. They were in an elegant bedchamber, its decorations sumptuous. On the far wall stood the biggest bed she had ever seen. It was easily large enough for three people to sleep, or she thought, make love in, comfortably. Beside her, Jasper watched warily as she looked from him to the bed and back again.
    “For us?” she asked.
    He nodded
    He nodded again. “It was to be for us to fuck and sleep together. Now

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