A Rough Wooing
opening the gate halfway, and leading the horse through
it. She grabbed its mane and mounted with all the speed she could
muster, and trotted away.
    When she was a short distance from the
Beaumont stables, she urged the mare into a gallop, and did not
look back. If anyone had seen her, she was determined that they
would never catch her.
    Instead of riding north to the Scottish
Border, Douglas headed west. Her cousin Will had said her brother
Jock was accompanying King James to Berwick, and she knew she must
get word to Jock that Gavin and Rob were prisoners in Carlisle
Castle. “They’ve likely left Berwick by now,” she told the mare.
“Where will their next stop be?”
    In her mind Douglas went over the castles in
the English Borders of Northumberland.
    “Of course! The Earl of Northumberland will
want to ingratiate himself with his new king and will offer
hospitality at his castle of Alnwick.” Hellfire, that must be
more than fifty miles away.
    Douglas rode on determinedly until the pale
spring sun was directly overhead and she decided it must be close
to the hour of noon. When she came to the next stream, she
dismounted and allowed her mare to drink. She quenched her own
thirst, and splashed her face with the cool water. She had no idea
how far she had come, nor how far she still had to travel, so she
remounted and pressed on with dogged determination.
    After she had ridden an hour or so through
the rolling hills and dales she heard the distinctive sound of
horses, and wagons. This told her there must be a road nearby. Then
she heard voices and laughter. She drew rein and waited for the
travelers. Her hand went to her hair. I must look a fright,
wearing breeches and riding bareback. As soon as the traveling
party came into view she waved and gave them a friendly smile.
    There were two men and two women who were
mounted; the others who were obviously their servants rode in a
baggage wagon. They all gave her curious stares, then one of the
men said, “You must be going to Hexham.”
    “Hexham?” she echoed.
    The lady who was his wife explained, “Langley
Castle. We are going to welcome our new King. We are at the head of
the cavalcade. There must be scores behind us.”
    Douglas remembered that Langley was another
castle owned by the Earl of Northumberland. “Yes, that’s where I’m
going. Do you mind if I ride with you?”
    In less than an hour, the four towers of
Langley Castle came into view. When they rode into the bailey it
was packed with carts and wagons. Douglas lost no time dismounting
and leading her mare to the stables. Obviously there were already
people here, and crowds more were on their way.
    She threw a stableman a ravishing smile. “I
know you are expecting King James. My brother is one of his
attendants. May I put my mare in the stable?”
    He grinned at her. “All these stalls are
reserved for the royal party, but there’s plenty of room in the
    Her smile widened. “You are a gentleman, sir.
Could I have a few oats? She’s had a hard ride today.”
    “Leave her with me. I’ll feed her and put her
out back.”
    Douglas tried to slip into the Great Hall of
Langley Castle without being noticed, but the first servant she
encountered bowed to her. “My lady.”
    When it happened a second time, she thought
they were mistaking her for someone, and wondered if she should
admit she needed help. Then she remembered that the Percy family
had red hair. The servants must think I’m related to the Earl of
Northumberland. Perhaps I can use the knowledge to my
advantage. This calls for a magnificent lie. Perhaps the English
will swallow lies a hell of a lot faster than the truth.
    Douglas climbed one of the square towers and
found a serving woman who was making beds with fresh linen. “Excuse
me, but I need your help. I just rode in from Alnwick Castle and my
baggage has gone amiss. Uncle Percy will be furious if he finds me
wearing breeches when King James arrives.”
    The woman looked

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