A Soldier's Heart
Lavinia was vague at best. So was Papa, but I’ve grown up in the country. Joe, the stableboy, and I found the barn cats mating one afternoon. Poor Joe! I thought he’d have an apoplexy the parson’s daughter had witnessed such a thing.”
    Buckle sputtered, “Dear child, I’m sure Lord Blackwood wouldn’t like to be compared to a tomcat.”
    In all truth, Serena’s feelings about what would happen on this, her wedding night, were as vague and unformed as had been the novels after the hero slammed the bedroom door shut behind him and his bride. But she must do something to soothe the alarming frown on Buckle’s usually placid countenance.
    “I’m sure Lord Blackwood will be as kind in his duties as husband as he has been in his dealing with me thus far. He has been all that is proper and noble.” To her relief, the words accomplished their purpose; the rosebud mouth fell into its customary sweet lines.
    “Obviously, dear child, in your short time together, you have come to know his lordship well.”
    “Yes and no, Buckle.” Nervous flutters overcoming her, Serena laughed, dancing away for one last look in the mirror. “No time to waste!” Picking up the train of her gown, Serena went toward the door, Buckle following. “I don’t wish to be late to marry the man of my dreams. And regardless of all else, that he truly is.”
    From the moment she and Lord Blackwood, truly magnificent in full military dress, stood before her father for the wedding service, through the chaste kiss on the lips before gliding hand in hand down the aisle as man and wife, onward to the wedding luncheon with its endless flow of champagne, food, and well-wishers, Serena moved as if in a romantic dream. It was magical and all was perfection.
    Reality didn’t intrude until Blackwood’s dainty sister, Cecily, whispered in her ear that Her Grace, the Duchess of Avalon, and Mrs. Buckle were waiting in the west wing suite, which had been prepared for her wedding night. She excused herself to Blackwood, and his eyes gazed at her with such intensity that, suddenly, her thoughts of this night were not so vague.
    Nervous flutters threatened to completely overwhelm her when she found the duchess and Buckle laying out a lacy negligee and gown. She stopped dead in her tracks, until the duchess took her hands, warming them with her own sure clasp.
    “I know you are nervous, Serena, which is why I asked Mrs. Buckle to help you retire instead of one of our maids. I’m only here to tell you how pleased I am Matthew has chosen so well.” Cupping Serena’s cheeks with graceful fingers, she studied her face, then kissed her once. “I am delighted to have such a beautiful new daughter.”
    Serena still couldn’t move even after Her Grace floated away in a cloud of silver chiffon.
    “Her Grace is a true lady. And the little Cecily, she’s a right sweet one. Dear child, it’s a wonderful family you have now.”
    Buckle’s voice drew her to the mirror, where she stood quietly allowing her to remove the flowers from her hair and slip off her satin pumps.
    “I’m married, Buckle.”
    In a matter of minutes Serena was wearing the sheer layer of lace and the negligee.
    “Let me brush your hair, dear child,” Buckle soothed, pulling the brush carefully through her thick curls.
    Serena sat on a slipper chair before the fire and gazed into the flames, trying to settle the shudders waving through her body. Blackwood would sweep her up in his arms and then … what?
    Twisting around, she stared into Buckle’s face, shadowed by the flickering flame. “Buckle, I’ve experienced such strange feelings since arriving in London. It’s almost as if I’m becoming a different person.”
    “Not a different person, dear child. You’re simply growing up, as I knew you would.” Buckle gave her a comforting hug. “You’re my little kitten who has always been warm and cared for in her small wicker basket. Then one day she discovers she can climb out and find

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