A Summer to Remember

A Summer to Remember by Victoria Connelly Read Free Book Online

Book: A Summer to Remember by Victoria Connelly Read Free Book Online
Authors: Victoria Connelly
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance
cobbled streets in wide-eyed wonder. Dominic only hoped that wallets as well as eyes would be wide open when the time came for their show, and that such exposure would help him to get his name out there.
    He also had another goal to fulfil – to get a London gallery to take him on. He’d had interest from a number of galleries around the Norfolk and Suffolk coasts, whose owners had fallen under the spell of his large breezy canvases that captured the East Anglian light so perfectly, but Dominic was ambitious and wouldn’t rest until his paintings were hanging in the capital. He’d been making approaches on the quiet, keeping the rejections a secret from his friends and family, and trying desperately to remain optimistic whilst jostling for attention in an overcrowded field.
    But he couldn’t think about it just now, not on an empty stomach. He’d been walking around the fields for what seemed like hours in search of inspiration, resulting in only a few brief sketches, and his hunger had made him gravitate towards the mill where he was sure there’d be something tasty to cook.
    For a moment, he thought about Nina and the foolishness of his wild goose chase around Norwich the day before. He couldn’t help feeling sad that he’d never see her again, but there were other things to think about right now.
    Crossing the old brick and flint bridge, he gazed up at the three-storey mill house and smiled. The sight of the imposing white house never failed to fill him with joy, and he couldn’t imagine living anywhere else. It was a characteristic of so many of his friends, too. Sure, university had beckoned, sending him away, and gap years with travels across Himalayan mountains and South American deserts had enticed many of his friends, but Norfolk had a strange pull on a person and, one by one, each of them had returned.
    For an artist, it was a hard place to beat, with the lucidity of its light and the domineering sky. There was always something new to see. A field, for example, would be an arctic-white wilderness one minute and a green paradise the next, and a hedgerow would be a bristly tangle of thorns one season and a perfect lacy froth of flowers soon after. Each season was a gift and Dominic never stopped feeling grateful for that.
    He glanced up into the chaste blue sky. Even his brothers Alex and Billy weren’t immune to the charm of the place and both would be spending more time at the mill now that the summer was here. Long weekends would be taken away from their lives in London and, of course, they would both be back for the big party in August.
    Dominic shook his head as he thought about his brothers. Alex would never admit to it, but he loved the mill as much as anyone. The only thing was, he loved the city just as much and got the heady thrill he needed from the bright lights and night-long parties that his new job in advertising allowed him. Still, Dominic saw the look of pure contentment on his brother’s face whenever he returned home to sink into the sofa and be waited on hand and foot by their mum.
    And Billy? At twenty-four, Billy was only three years Dominic’s senior, but he seemed to have lived a lifetime in that age gap and had a worldly wise look about him that made him seem much older than he was. He’d been working in London as a pilot, but he was spending more time in the Norfolk countryside and Dominic had a suspicion that he might be thinking about moving out of the city. Still, Billy played his cards pretty close to his chest and usually stayed with friends in the next village when he came back to Norfolk because he liked being able to come and go without the well-intentioned interference of their mother, so they never really got to the bottom of things with him.
    At least, Dominic thought, he was here and he had no plans on packing up and leaving. The furthest he ever got was the North Norfolk coast or the great stretches of water in the Broads. There, he would stand away from the crowds,

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