A Trap King's Wife 1

A Trap King's Wife 1 by Jahquel J. Read Free Book Online

Book: A Trap King's Wife 1 by Jahquel J. Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jahquel J.
Tags: United States, Romance, Urban, African American
    “Hmmm, oh word. A nigga do like to eat. Is that an invitation?” I started to blush when he said that.
    “Umm, you can’t just be inviting yourself to my house. I don’t know you,” I joshed.
    “You got jokes, huh?”
    “Sometimes. What you doing on a Sunday besides trying to get some of my food.” I kept the conversation going.
    “Chillin’ I’m lonely, I need someone to talk to,” He played around.
    “I’m so sure, you probably have a rolodex full of chicks.”
    “That may be true, but I only want to talk to one,” He replied.
    I pushed the stroller into the grocery store and searched the aisle for things I needed. I decided to make a cake and grabbed the supplies for that. “Yum, chocolate cake it is,” I said out loud, forgetting I was on the phone.
    “Oh yeah, I’m bout’ to come over. Yo’ ma you got an umbrella?” He questioned.
    “No you not,” I laughed. “Nah, it’s sunny outside.”
    “Not anymore. It’s about to pour. Sky just got hella’ dark.”
    I quickly went and got the rest of my stuff hoping that I didn’t get myself or my kids wet. This damn weather had been so crazy. “I’m checking out now, so I can rush home. Can I call you back?”
    “Yeah, no problem.” I ended the call and rang my things up. I hoped like hell it didn’t rain.

                  I sat outside the grocery store and waited for Tiara to come out. It was about to pour and I didn’t want her walking home in the rain. After my morning with Kaysha I just needed someone to chill with and have a normal conversation with. It was something about Tiara that had me wanting to know more about her. When I saw her last night at the club I was shocked that she had her daughters only a month ago, and she was back working. Her baby father wasn’t shit for leaving her with all that responsibility on her. No matter how much I hated Kaysha, I would never leave her without shit for her or my son to eat or live. The crazy thing about Tiara was she never talked down about her baby daddy. I could definitely see myself putting a ring on her finger and making her mine. She was definitely wifey material.
                  I saw her quickly stroll out the store and she looked at me and smiled. She rolled over to me, while ending the call she was on.
                  “Are you stalking me, sir?”
                  “I might be. Let me take you home,” I insisted and she didn’t put up a fight. She just started unstrapping each baby, and I helped her.
                  “How many times are you going to be saving grace? Now I have to feed your ass,” She giggled.
                  “You definitely feeding a nigga.” I opened her door and she got into it.
                  I got behind the wheel and we rode down the blocks, as she yelled out instructions. We finally put up to a walk up on Gates Avenue. She got out and started pulling the babies car seats out and placing them on the side walk and grabbed her bags.
                  “Alright, I need one more favor. Can you watch Pride, while I bring Joy upstairs first?” I looked at her like she lost her mind, then she elaborated. “I live on the third floor, so I usually bring one up and then get the other.”
                  “Nah, I’ll bring them both up.” I grabbed both car seats, groceries and locked my truck. I walked up the three flights, while Tiara told me I didn’t have to. We made it to her door and she unlocked it and let us in.
                  Her apartment was real nice. It was set in soft earth tones, and she had a lot of little statues centered in the house. The second room down the hallway was the girl’s room so I carried them there. She unbuckled each one and put them in their cribs and walked back out to the

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