A Wolf's Savage Embrace

A Wolf's Savage Embrace by Darlene Kuncytes Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: A Wolf's Savage Embrace by Darlene Kuncytes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Darlene Kuncytes
the fact that these people were playing a permanent and serious game home - and she needed to get Luke out of the line of fire before it was too late.
    “You don’t want to know. Just trust me when I say; it wasn’t pretty.”
    “What do we do now?” she asked, then suddenly remembered the letter. She pulled her hand from his grasp and twisted in the seat, pulling the envelope from her pocket. She sat there quietly and stared at it – turning it over and over in her trembling hands.
    “What is that?” Luke asked, glancing down in curiosity.
    “It was sitting on a table,” she explained softly, part of her afraid of what it might hold. “It was addressed to me.”
    “Go ahead and open it,” he urged, and Kat hit the overhead light and tore it open – her damn hands still shaking.
    It seems so strange for me to be writing this letter after so many years, but I fear that Jack and I won’t be here when you come to pick up Harper. I am frightened of what will happen to her without your help. Please know that we loved your sister with all of our hearts and gave her the best life that we could. We met your mother so many years ago, and were more than happy to bring Harper into our family, but I must warn you. Things are not what they seem to be. Be careful, and please protect your sister. She is so very special and although she did not know that Jack and I were not her real parents, she does know what she is. I have tried very hard to teach her to use her powers for the light, but there are those that wish to urge her to a very dark and dangerous world, and she must be protected. You must both be protected. I have instructed Harper that if anything were to happen to us that she is to try and find your mother. Thomas Kern, who I believe you know, should be able to help you with this. I have not heard from him in almost a year, but if you go to the club Masquerade in town, the bartender there can help. I only urge you to be careful of what you tell these people. Katrina, I am not certain who can be trusted.
    Thank you for protecting our baby, and I beg you to keep your heart pure and watch those around you. This is so much bigger than I could have ever imagined. I cannot implore you enough to keep yourself and your sister safe.
    Bless you, Katrina
    Kat folded the letter, and looked at Luke - her overwhelming sense of dread growing as she looked into his perfect amber eyes. This man was in serious danger because of her, and the guilt of that was eating away at her – making her feel sick.
    “What now?” she asked, her voice a hoarse, shaky whisper.
    “We go get your sister,” he replied, a small smile touching his lips. “Haven’t you been listening?”
    Kat’s mouth turned down in a frown. She knew that he was trying to make her feel better, but the reality of it was that she needed to get away from him at the first possible opportunity – and that reality just sucked out loud.

    Harper ran blindly through the woods – tripping every so often on a stray root, and cursing loudly. Her vision was blurred with her tears and she could feel the branches slapping at her face – but she didn’t care. In fact, she thought with a sob – she relished the pain. It masked the harsh stabbing hurt in her chest.
    She skidded to a stop as the lights from the city broke through the darkness of the trees.
    Harper slowly made her way to the all-night diner on the corner of Third and Maple – hesitating a moment outside of the door – wondering if she should go in. She glanced down at her watch and realized with a start that it was close to midnight. Deciding that she needed to gather her wits, she wiped her face with the backs of her hands and pulled open the door.
    Luckily, the diner was near empty as Harper slowly made her way inside and slid into a back booth. The older waitress came over, eyeing her up and down a moment before setting a menu in front of her.
    “Would you like something to drink?”

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