capture her attention, but certainly not so completely that she lost track of all else.
When he’d removed his trousers, she saw that his lower body was as fascinating as the upper part. His hips were narrow so that his broad chest formed almost a V shape, his legs powerful. He also, for no reason that immediately came to mind, possessed a phallus, and not merely for the sake of appearing to be a male creature. It stood proudly erect above a pair of testicles, sprouting from a nest of dark hair.
She hadn’t noticed it before and she knew damn well she would have noticed something that--enormous. It functioned, at least in the sense that it acted like the erectile tissue on a human counterpart.
Why would a cyborg that had never been designed or intended as a pleasure droid, have been so faithfully reproduced as a man, complete with testicles and an obviously fully functional--make that massive--phallus?
She was so enthralled by the sight of it that it wasn’t until he moved so close that she lost sight of it that she realized he was moving toward her.
She dragged her gaze upward to his face as he stopped in front of her, noticing every inch of flesh, every bugle, ripple, hair follicle and even the texture of his skin, on the way up.
Whoever had designed him, she realized suddenly, and with perfect clarity, had fully intended to create man, not just a facsimile of man. Whoever had created him had been playing god--and it seemed very likely that whoever it was, was the same ‘god’ who had decided to experiment on her. Was that what the tech had meant when he’d said it wasn’t human? Had Reuel’s creator decided to go one step further and see if he could mimic the creation of life through reproduction and birth?
Without a word he caught her shoulders, turned her toward the shower unit, and urged her inside, following her. She turned to face him as the water jetted over her, covering her face. When it ceased to pelt them, he moved away, took the cloth and rubbed the chemical substance into it until he had created a lather. Then calmly, almost methodically, he began to rub the cloth over her body, gliding it over first one arm and then the other, then turning her and rubbing it along her back and buttocks. Instead of urging her to turn once more when he’d finished lathering her back, he stepped up closely behind her, so closely she could feel his flesh brushing against hers with each movement, and reached around her to lather her breasts and belly.
Dalia remained perfectly still, at first because she was surprised, both by his actions and by his gentleness, and also because she wasn’t at all certain where she stood with this dangerous rogue. Surprise gave way to something entirely different, however, as she felt his hands glide over her breasts. Her nipples puckered and stood erect, as if she was cold, except she wasn’t. A strange current flowed from the tips of her breasts through her body, creating an odd sort of expectancy inside her, an involuntary tensing of muscles and, at the same time, a diminishing of tension, creating heat. She dragged in a ragged breath, not certain whether she wanted him to stop or continue as a drugging sort of lassitude swept over her. Slowly, he worked the cloth downward, finally cupping his hand over her femininity, parting her nether lips and delving into the cleft, tracing it.
Dalia’s belly clenched almost painfully. She swallowed with an effort, licked her lips. "What are you doing?"
"Teaching you," he murmured, his voice sounding strangely hoarse, "the finer points of bathing with soap and water."
Dalia’s knees almost buckled, dumping her on the floor of the shower unit, as he stepped away from her abruptly, allowing the shower to pelt the soap from her body. Cool air wafted over her as he opened the door of the unit and stepped out.
Frowning, shivering more from reaction than from the chill draft of air, she sloughed as much water from her body as she could with