About Sisterland

About Sisterland by Martina Devlin Read Free Book Online

Book: About Sisterland by Martina Devlin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Martina Devlin
Tags: Fantasy, Women's Fiction, Literary Fiction
    “There was more than a decade between us. She had experience I could draw on. Besides, we wanted to be others. It was our choice.”
    “It can’t be all about compatibility. It has to be about suitability, too. The senior other has duties towards the younger one: she’s meant to guide her, and help her grow. How is throwing yourself off a bridge the act of a responsible mentor?”
    Suppressed moe quivered between them, threatening to break through.
    A door opened. Two heads swivelled towards Goodwill 524.
    “Why, Constance, how lovely to see you!” She crossed the room and pressed her palms against the younger woman’s, before tugging off her skin.
    “Don’t throw your skin on the chair, Goodwill, it’ll get knocked. Here.” Devotion held out a lacquer container.
    Goodwill dropped in her skin, and Devotion rearranged it.
    Goodwill started chattering, unconscious of the brittle atmosphere. Despite being a thought-crafter, she was devoid of any capacity to pick up on tension. Her skills were saved for the workplace. “I’m starving. I don’t suppose you know what’s on the menu, Devotion?”
    “Twiced-up pie.”
    “Yummy. Devotion always lets me have some of hers, Constance. No wonder I’m so well-upholstered.” Her laugh boomed. “I must have a cosmos bite to keep me going.” She disappeared round the corner, towards the food box, returning with a bulky bag. “Think I’ll have a triangular-shaped one – I always feel fuller after the triangles. No point in asking either of you to join me, I suppose. You gals don’t have my sweet tooth. Though you could use a few cosmos bites, Constance – you’re a bag of bones. And my gorgeous Devotion isn’t much better.” She squeezed her other’s shoulder, and Devotion laid a hand on top of hers. “A bird flew into a window in the laundry block,” Goodwill continued. “There’s a dreadful mess outside.”
    Caged birds which managed to escape were invariably confused by the mirrored walls on buildings, and crashed almost as soon as they took to the air. Their taste of freedom was short. Yet life in a cage was brief, too. Constance had never been able to bring herself to own a bird. Once, Devotion had tried to buy a pair of doves as a gift for Goodwill, but she had refused point blank to accept them. At least she had that in common with Constance.
    “Blood and feathers all over the ground,” Goodwill was saying.
    Constance thought about what must have happened to Silence when she hit the ground. She never saw her other’s remains. The peers wouldn’t let her. But it didn’t stop her imagining how she looked. Constance swallowed. Goodwill and Devotion were swapping news, their words sounding fuzzy in her ears.
    Constance stood up. “I need to go home.”
    “What about lunch?” asked Devotion.
    “Not hungry.”
    “You have to eat, Constance.”
    “I’ll pick up something later at an easy.”
    Constance’s legs were heavy, carrying her downstairs. Skirting round the side of the laundry block, she saw a man clearing up the debris. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed her looking at him, and his posture became deferential while his movements speeded up. She averted her gaze, reluctant to see bloodstains.
    Near the Buzz station, Goodwill caught up with her.
    “Devotion’s just told me. And you have no other to talk it over with. I know I’m a poor substitute for Silence. But if you have any questions, I’d be glad to answer them, Constance.”
    “It’s OK. The Mating Board’s compiled a guide. I know what to expect. Everything you never knew you wanted to know about Himtime is in there. But thanks.”
    “Is it still the rule you go to the nearest matingplace in your area? To avoid cherrypicking?”
    Constance nodded. “I’m due at the Tower.”
    “I know the Mating Mother there. She’s well regarded. She’ll look after you. Are you certain there’s nothing you’d like to ask me?”
    Constance shook her head, unwilling

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