this was and felt a bit crestfallen. Had someone seen Sadie's special hankie ami decided to copy it? she wondered.
Back in the carriage on the ride home, Mary Ruth sat wit h her library books balanced on her lap as she attempted to hold the reins.
"How will you get all of them into the house?" Hannah asked, eyeing the books.
"Oh, I'll manage somehow, even if I have to sneak them in two at a time. Meanwhile, why don't you trade places with me?" She handed the reins over to Hannah, who promptly switched to the driver's seat.
They rode along for a time in complete silence. Mary
64 65lOetrauat
II til ylad fo peek into the pages of the first book in her II I Mt'lt' linn's Cabin. And by the time the horse turned in. narrow road at Rohrer's Mill, the water-powered grist ||. lu-'il already completed the first chapter. Her heart cried I With t'iimpassion for the slave girl Eliza and her handsome Lu mm, I larry. With such strong emotions stirring, she ^h'i .iir-w how she could ever give up this fascination ^Hh |'limed page. Could she quickly devour oodles of ^Hui .satisfy her appetite, then join church, hoping that ^BUpring of joy might linger on through the years, even ^H-ttheM never read again? She supposed it was one way ^H nt the problem, though she'd have to come clean to ^Hjf Yoder before ever taking her kneeling vow, espe^wll h this new passion for fabricated stories. Wne marked the page with her finger, then asked Hannah, i ikl do you want to be when you get baptized?" isiivn or so," Hannah said. "Seems to me we oughta i Innvh together."
11i'ii as she thought.
I Inimaji was quiet for a time, then she said, "If you end
in' h> high school " >h, 1 will go," Mary Ruth interrupted. "Somehow or
'Icuy, then, what will you do 'bout Elias Stoltzfus?" l.iry Ruth paused. "I don't think that's somethin' to uy my head over, really, seein' as how neither of us is of tin' age yet. Elias is just fourteen." Human turned from her, looking away. Bpniy Ruth leaned forward. "I'm sorry. Did I upset you?" Kt's nothin'," Hannah was too quick to admit. She sniffled
65 66
e a e r L ij
lu J2t
a bit, then straightened. "I just thought . . . well, that maybe Elias might change your thinkin', ya know. Maybe he'd niiikt* a difference in your future somehow."
Fact was, Elias had begun to upset the fruit basket. The more she ran into him at Preaching and whatnot, and the more she talked with him even briefly, the more she liked him. A lot ... truth be told. It was like stepping barefool mi a nettle, seeing it tear away at the flesh of enthusiasm ;nnl desire. If she gave in to her attraction to him, and his to lu'i, it wouldn't be but a few years and she'd be riding home from Sunday singings with him. He'd end up courting her . . . and then what? What if the same enormous hunger for booki showed up in one or more of their children? Such a thing would bring heartache to both her and Elias's families. A
No, she thought it best to nip her romantic interest in ilnl bud, refuse his attention for the sake of her own ambit it nil She knew she was born to be a schoolteacher. In short, shil could not deprive herself of the one true thing that mattvinl most to her on God's green earth. , . : I
When they arrived home, the sky had turned dark wit h threatening clouds. "It'll soon be makin' down," she s;ikl, working with Hannah to unhitch the horse from the buggy,
"A nice rain would help the crops," Hannah said, drawing in her breath loudly enough for Mary Ruth to hear. "Should I run inside and see where Mamma might be just now?"
Mary Ruth nodded, noting the look of dire concern on
67Tke betrayal
pt' frtce. "Jah, go have a look-see. Meanwhile, I'll water Li! lh horse."
BiHwh strolled down to the house, calm as you please,
1 rt Jiffy she returned with a big smile on her face. pin'if nursin' Lydiann upstairs," she whispered. "Best
Vhore'H Dat, do you think?"
wiiiuh had a ready answer. "Both Dat and Leah are out
B1 I In- pasture, bringin'