Accidental Love

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Book: Accidental Love by BL Miller Read Free Book Online
Authors: BL Miller
While the executive would never consider it a great loss, the young woman was obviously upset by the news.

    "Rose, don't worry about it, please? I promise everything will be all right." She looked at her watch. "Come on, I think Jeopardy is coming up soon. We'll sit back and see who gets the most questions right, okay?"

    "I like Jeopardy," Rose said, pressing the button to raise the head of the bed slightly. "There's a TV in the employee lounge at work and sometimes my dinner break is at seven-thirty so I can watch it. I'm pretty good too, although I don't know if I'll be able to stay awake too long."

    "Oh, do you want me to leave so you can get some sleep?"

    "No." She reached out for Veronica's hand. "Please stay."

    "Sure, just don't get upset if I get more answers right. No one will play Trivial Pursuit with me."

    "Oh, do you have that? It's such a fun game. I played it once down at the community center."

    "I'll make you a deal. I'll bring it in tomorrow for us to play and I promise not to beat you too badly."

    "We'll see who beats who," Rose countered with a smile. The Jeopardy theme song drew their attention to the television. "Ooh, it's starting." She settled her head back into her pillow to watch the show but before the first commercial break she was sleeping. The dark-haired executive gently tucked Rose's blanket in and shut the television off. She sat there for several minutes looking at the large casts and the stitches that formed a line on the young woman's cheekbone.

    "I'm sorry," she whispered before leaving the room.


    Tabitha was waiting none too patiently at the door when Veronica returned home. "Mrrow!"

    "What? You have food."


    "You have toys and you have food. What more do you want?" Tabitha responded by rubbing against Veronica's leg, leaving orange and white hairs all over her black slacks. She bent down and picked the feline up, apparently turning on the purr button at the same time. She held the happy cat with one arm and the attaché in the other. "Wanna see how the fax machine works?
    Come on."

    Veronica's office was on the first floor near the stairs. Five minutes later the insurance forms were faxed and the dark-haired woman ran upstairs to change into her 'comfortable' clothes, namely an oversized sweatshirt and sweatpants. She glanced at her watch and groaned. She had a meeting first thing in the morning and had yet to review the monthly reports. "I think it's gonna be a long night, Tabitha." She plodded over to her desk and turned on her computer, dreading the idea of spending the next few hours pouring over spreadsheets and reports. Of course, the heads of each division would go over the same things with her tomorrow but Veronica prided herself on knowing exactly how good or bad each department was doing before hearing the glossed over version from her relatives. A push of the power button and the computer hummed to life, the Cartwright corporate logo covering the twenty-inch screen. She typed her password and the logo disappeared, revealing the main screen. "Mrrow?"

    "No. This is human stuff, nothing up here for you to see," she said to the anxious cat standing up on hind legs in anticipation of being picked up. Tabitha extended her front claws into the light gray of Veronica's sweatpants. "Don't even think about it."


    "No. Go play with your toys." She turned her attention to the first report, Cartwright Real Estate. Veronica's younger brother Tommy was in charge of that division. Several tracts of land had been purchased throughout the region in anticipation of building housing developments but they were seriously behind in their growth projections. The timetable had called for one hundred homes to be built and sold, yet as of the end of last month only twenty had actually been completed and barely half of those had bids in on them much less sold. "What am I gonna do with him?" She leaned back in her comfortable leather chair and rubbed

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